• Volume 31,Issue 10,2017 Table of Contents
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    • Development and prospect of automatic meteorological observation technology on the ground

      2017, 31(10):1534-1542. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.001

      Abstract (2926) HTML (0) PDF 2.91 M (16246) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the actual situation of ground meteorological observation technology and the strategic demand of national economic development, this paper introduces the current situation of meteorological observation technology and instrument in China, expounds the development requirements of the future meteorological observation technology for country, analyzes and studies the development history of meteorological observation technology, instruments and methods, indicates the technical problems and shortcomings in the development of terrestrial meteorological observation technology in China. Combining with the development of modern electronic, information and communication technology and Internet of Things technology, predicts the development trend of future automatic and intelligent meteorological observation technology, specific and general meteorological observation technology, professional and public weather observation technology.

    • Study on estimation method for sunshine duration using global radiation

      2017, 31(10):1543-1548. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.002

      Abstract (3005) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (15790) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A pyranometric method for determination of sunshine duration is proposed. Global solar radiation measured with pyranometer and direct solar radiation measured with pyrheliometer at Solar Energy Resource Observation Station in Lijiang, Yunnan province is used. The clearness index is set as an independent variable which is calculated from the ratio of global solar radiation to extraterrestrial solar radiation, the sum of the time, for which the direct solar irradiance exceeds 120 W/m2, is set as the sunshine duration reference. The relationship between clearness index and sunshine duration is analyzed, and the piecewise function is obtained by segmentation fitting for estimating sunshine duration. Though the verification of the observation date in Lijiang, the sunshine duration reference and sunshine duration estimated by the method have good correlation, the coefficient between the two sunshine durations is up to 0.992 3, the difference of the month summation is 0.07 h, the root mean squared deviation of daily differences in a month is 0.5 h. And the method has a good performance to estimate the sunshine duration.

    • Harmonic correction and study for MOA online monitoring algorithm

      2017, 31(10):1549-1554. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.003

      Abstract (2900) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (15551) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Resistive leakage current is an important indicator in metal oxide surge arrester (MOA) online monitoring. Traditional capacitive current compensation method ignores the influence of the harmonic voltage, a huge error on the monitoring result is caused. To solve this problem, a harmonic correction and study for MOA online monitoring algorithm based on the relationship between the resistive current and capacitive current at voltage’s zeropoint is proposed. Capacitance of MOA and compensation coefficients of capacitive G are deduced. This method eliminates the influence of the harmonic voltage and improves the extraction accuracy of resistive current. MATLAB simulations show that the error of capacitance C, fundamental resistive current component iR1 and the 3rd harmonic resistive current component iR3 are 10% by this method, which can reduce the influence of harmonic voltage to the monitoring results effectively, reduce the extraction error of resistive current and improve the accuracy of the arrester on line monitoring.

    • Visibility inversion algorithm based on micro pulse lidar

      2017, 31(10):1555-1560. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.004

      Abstract (3122) HTML (0) PDF 1.52 M (15926) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the process of atmospheric visibility measurement based on the backscattering principle, the selection of atmospheric extinction coefficient boundary value has a great influence on the inversion accuracy. In this paper, a method for determining the boundary value of atmospheric extinction coefficient based on secant method is proposed, and the selection result of boundary value is modified by iterative idea. The validity of the method is verified by theoretical simulation and actual measurement. The results show that this approach has faster convergence and fewer iteration times. The extinction coefficient boundary value after iteration can be used to retrieve the atmospheric extinction coefficient more accurately and realize the high precision measurement of atmospheric visibility. And it has great practical application value.

    • Ground temperature deduction model based on BP neural network

      2017, 31(10):1561-1567. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.005

      Abstract (3267) HTML (0) PDF 1.79 M (16060) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the missing data problem in the ground temperature observation, as well as national ordinary meteorological observing Station has no deep ground temperature observation service, realtime ground temperature deduction models and deep ground temperature deduction models (40~160 cm ground temperature deduction model & 320 cm ground temperature deduction model) by the Back Propagation(BP) neural network is proposed. The former can be used to fill in the missing data of ground temperature observation data, and the latter can be used to estimate the deep ground temperature data in the area without no deep ground temperature observation. The BP neural network is trained by using a small number of samples and tested with all the data of the sample station. The neural network parameters are adjusted repeatedly, and the models with good error performance are selected. And then the output error of the ground temperature model is tested by using the contrast station data. The accuracy rate of realtime ground temperature deduction model in the sample station is 77.705% as well as in the contrast station is 66.168%. More than 72% of the output error of the 40~160 cm ground temperature deduction model is less than 0.5 ℃, and more than 83% of the output error of the 320 cm ground temperature deduction model is less than 1℃. The experimental results show that the temperature deduction model established by this method has high precision and practicability.

    • Consistency detection algorithm for meteorological observation equipment based on association rules mining

      2017, 31(10):1568-1573. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.006

      Abstract (3223) HTML (0) PDF 1.10 M (15560) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to ensure the stability of data acquisition by meteorological observationequipment, the consistency detection of the observation equipment is needed. An algorithm of association rules based on interest degree is proposed in this paper. The interest association rule mining algorithm is applied to the consistency detection of meteorological observationequipment, and the consistency model of the meteorological observing equipment can be formed. Through real data validation, it shows that the algorithm can not only excavate all the very strong rules, but also better in the time performance compared with the algorithm of nonApriori class. Through this association rule algorithm, all the correlation items are excavated to form the example base, the rule matching method is used to detect the consistency between the equipment, the optimization of the algorithm is obtained, the optimum parameter solution is given, and the equipment consistency is determined.

    • Automatic detection system design of maize emergence and three leaf stage based on openCV

      2017, 31(10):1574-1581. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.007

      Abstract (2746) HTML (0) PDF 6.94 M (15963) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The automatic recognition algorithm of emergence and three leaf stage of maize is proposed in order to dynamically monitor the growth of maize in realtime and provide accurate information about growth status for farming activities. This algorithm realizes segmentation of corn images and extract image characteristics such as contour and skeleton. To determine whether the corn has been in emergence and threeleaf stage according to the extracted image features. This algorithm and computer vision class library openCV are used for the design of emergence and threeleaf stage detection system and the target of detecting emergence and threeleaf stage of maize is achieved automatically. What’s more, in the environment of VS2013, it achieved the development of this detection system. The speed of this detection system is fast and the test results are accurate. It can be used as the development foundation of all maize growth period detection system.

    • SF6 gas sensor based on improved BP neural network

      2017, 31(10):1582-1588. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.008

      Abstract (3843) HTML (0) PDF 1.68 M (15846) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the fact that the measurement accuracy of nondispersive infrared SF6 gas sensor is susceptible to ambient temperature and air pressure, PSOBP neural network prediction model was used for realtime compensation for the measurement deviation caused by changing ambient temperature and air pressure. This method was then compared with other compensation approaches. The experimental results show that the relative measurement error of this SF6 gas sensor is 1.2%, the measurement accuracy is less than ±15×10-6 and the measurement resolution is 1×10-6 at the gas concentration of 0~1 000×10-6, the temperature of 10~40 ℃ and the air pressure of 100~120 kPa. It could effectively eliminate the nonlinear effect of fluctuating ambient temperature and air pressure. Compared with the empirical formula method and RBF neural network compensation method, this approach has higher measurement accuracy and stability, and dispenses with more circuit control module. So, it can help to reduce the volume and the cost of sensor.

    • Application of EEMD in laser ceilometer backscattering signal processing

      2017, 31(10):1589-1595. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.009

      Abstract (2636) HTML (0) PDF 1.95 M (15624) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The backscattering signal of laser ceilometer as a typical nonlinear and nonstationary signal is susceptible to be polluted by noise. Aiming at this problem, the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) denoising method is applied. Firstly, we use EEMD to decompose the noise signal and analyze the decomposition of the IMF component, then find out the larger component of IMF. Finally, we reconstruct the IMF component and the rest of the components signal after using SavitzkyGolay (SG) filter. The simulation and experiment results show that compared with the traditional empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method, the signaltonoise ratio based on the EEMD method after processing increases 1.695 dB, the mean square error decreases by an average of more than 30%. It is shown that the method is suitable for nonlinear and nonstationary characteristics for the scattering echo signal processing, and able to provide the high signaltonoise ratio of the initial data by laser ceilometer for the next level cloud base height inversion.

    • Design of detection device of raindrop spectrometer based on STM32

      2017, 31(10):1596-1601. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.010

      Abstract (3011) HTML (0) PDF 2.08 M (15827) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the current flow standard instrument used to test the tipping bucket gauge or using glass ball with similar rain drop property is not possible to detect the optical raindrop spectrometer, we design a detection device for raindrop spectrometer based on STM32, which processes data and control system, adjusts the velocity of particles by controlling the speed of the disk, and pastes the discs with different diameters on the disc to simulate the particle size. And it is used to test the optical raindrop spectrometer whether can judge precipitation particle velocity and scale. The experiments show that the falling velocity and size of the simulated precipitation can be controlled at the same time, and the design has important practical value to test and measure the accuracy and performance of the raindrop spectrometer.

    • Wireless orientation and location algorithm and its implementation system

      2017, 31(10):1602-1607. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.011

      Abstract (3419) HTML (0) PDF 967.60 K (3686) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of wireless communication technology and satellite navigation technology, passive positioning technology has become a hot topic in the field of electronic countermeasures. This paper mainly analyzes the passive positioning technology, focuses on the analysis of the theory of passive direction finding and proposes the algorithm of orientation and geometric union. Through the ground detection system to verify the algorithm, the absolute error of the target radiation source is 1.16°×10-4 on the longitude and 1.104×10-4 on the latitude, the relative error is 9.77×10-7 on the longitude and 3.23×10-6 on the latitude. The actual error distance is 26.67 m calculated by MATLAB. Through experimental verification and result analysis, the algorithm is effective and feasible for nontimed target radiation sources.

    • Improved de noising method of lidar echo signal

      2017, 31(10):1608-1613. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.012

      Abstract (4130) HTML (0) PDF 1.61 M (15713) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The intensity of the lidar echo signal decays with the square of the distance. When the detection distance is large, the signal will be submerged in the strong noise. Therefore, it is crucial to extract valid signal efficiently from strong background noise. In this paper, the lidar echo signal is decomposed through the empirical mode decomposition. According to the correlation between the intrinsic mode function and the echo signal, the effect of lidar echo signal denoising is improved effectively by combining with soft threshold and roughness penalty techniques. The experimental results of this method show that the output signaltonoise ratio is 16.67 dB and the root mean square error is 1.49×10-11 when 5 dB Gaussian white noise is added. Compared with other denoising techniques, this method achieves the higher signaltonoise ratio and the lower root mean square error, thereby the effectiveness of this method is proved.

    • Underwater acoustic sensor array synthesis method based on convex optimization algorithm

      2017, 31(10):1614-1620. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.013

      Abstract (3154) HTML (0) PDF 3.15 M (15672) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, sparse arrays have been widely used in the field of underwater acoustic imaging. Aiming at the distribution characteristics of sparse array raising the sidelobe level, reducing the imaging contrast and other issues, a kind of underwater acoustic sensor array synthesis method based on convex optimization algorithm is proposed. On the basis of the appropriate object function, this method makes multiple iteration operations on the planar array, and optimizes the position of the array element and the element excitation. Finally, the planar array of 20×20 elements is optimally integrated into sparse array of 51 elements, the sidelobe lever is under -15 dB. By comparing the beam pattern performance based on convex optimization algorithm with the Chebyshev arrays synthesis method, the results show that the sparse array optimized in this study not only ensures the imaging quality, but also significantly reduces the number of array elements, and reduces sidelobe level. In addition, it decreases the complexity of the system and the design cost.

    • Research on despeckling of SAR image based on 3D matching block

      2017, 31(10):1621-1626. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.014

      Abstract (3225) HTML (0) PDF 4.15 M (15507) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The speckle noise in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image is difficult to refract the scattering characteristics of the irradiated area accurately, and increases the difficulty of the target feature extraction. The traditional despeckle method reduces the noise, but it leads to the loss of the details of the image at the same time. However, the denoising method based on the Three Dimensional Matching Block (BM3D) utilizes the sparse representation in the transform domain, which divides the image into a threedimensional space. By analyzing the characteristics of the model and setting the parameters, the BM3D algorithm is applied to the SAR image. Compared with the traditional methods, it is found that the BM3D algorithm can be successfully applied to the SAR image, the edge stay index reaches 0.4845, which can suppress the speckle and preserve the details of the image, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified.

    • Detection of metal particles based on microfluidic resonant chip

      2017, 31(10):1627-1632. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.015

      Abstract (3330) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (15258) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Most of the abnormal wear in the hydraulic system is caused by the metal particles in the hydraulic oil. By detecting these metal particles, the fault can be predicted on time and the loss can be reduced. A simple and effective hydraulic oil micrometal particle rapid detection system is designed. Based on the principle of LC resonance for metal particle detection and the feasibility of experiment is analyzed theoretically. Design and manufacture of microfluidic detection chip, the diameter of microchannel in the experiment is 300 μm. The metal particle counting test is carried out on the detection system. The experiment results show that the signaltonoise ratio of LC resonance detection chip is better than the single coil detection chip when all parameters are the same. When the excitation frequency is higher than the resonance frequency, the ferromagnetic particles passing the detection area will produce an upward pulse. When the excitation frequency is lower than the resonance frequency, the ferromagnetic particles passing the detection area will produce a downward pulse. And the nonferromagnetic metal particles are the opposite. The microfluidic chip and its system can be achieved to distinguish the detection of metal particles. In the experiment condition, a minimum of 50 μm of iron particle and 110 μm of copper particle can be achieved to distinguish the detection.

    • Mobile meteorological measurement field calibration and checking information system

      2017, 31(10):1633-1640. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.016

      Abstract (3339) HTML (0) PDF 2.85 M (15926) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to suit the working requirement of field calibration and checking of the automatic weather station, a mobile meteorological measurement field calibration and checking information system was designed. This system is based on visual basic programming language and data base technique, which use serial communication to communicate with the device and use EXCEL and visual basic to design the report form. This system can achieve the auto calibration of the automation weather station’s normal collector DT50 and ZQZCII, and it can also perform field calibration and checking of temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, evaporation, radiation sensor and aero vane. Several experiments are carried out at the district weather station, and the results show that this system can achieve functions such as processing and checking the collected data, saving data into the data base, searching data, printing the calibration qualification, and outputting the data recording form. This experiment verified the effectiveness of our system. This system provides an automatic field calibration and checking software to the meteorological measurement field, which improves the working efficiency and automatic level of the meteorological measurement field. It also ensures the normal function of the automatic weather station and the accurateness of the data.

    • Research on the effect of color transfer algorithm in different color space

      2017, 31(10):1641-1645. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.017

      Abstract (3296) HTML (0) PDF 3.30 M (15373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to evaluate the effect of different color transfer algorithms in different color space in the infrared and visible image fusion system, in YCbCr color space and lαβ color space, using objective evaluation method and subjective evaluation method, the global color transfer algorithm and pointtopoint color transfer algorithm are used to compare the effect of a set of images. Through the experimental comparison, the result of the objective evaluation method is consistent with the subjective evaluation method. It is concluded that, in the YCbCr space, the global color transfer effect is better than the pointtopoint color transfer effect, while in the lαβ space, the pointtopoint color transfer effect is better than the global color transfer effect.

    • Improved Wiener postfilter beamforming algorithm based on LCMV dividedfrequency

      2017, 31(10):1646-1652. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.018

      Abstract (2768) HTML (0) PDF 2.34 M (15296) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the speech signal is affected by reverberation in the closed environment, the improved Wiener filter based on LCMV is proposed. In this proposed algorithm, the frequency domain array signals can be obtained by the Fourier transform of the signals with the reverberation received by the microphone array and are processed according to frequency division method. The dividedfrequency signals also are processed by using linear constrained minimum variance beamforming filter method and according to different frequency reverberation time of each beam, and the beamforming algorithm is applied to the high and low frequency domain to improve the accuracy of reverberation suppression for the frequency domain array signals. The combination power spectrum estimation of the frequency domain array signal is used to treat Wiener postfilter in order to suppress the reverberation. Since the receivedreverberation signals of microphone array between the direct wave and reflected wave are not related, so we use space information of the receivedreverberation signals of microphone array to solve accurately the estimation problem of the Wiener filter. Finally, the time domain signal is obtained by the inverse Fourier transform. The test results show that the proposed algorithm has a significant improvement on the reverberation suppression, and the PESQ score of the speech enhancement system is improved by 0.26 under the condition of reverberation time 600 ms.

    • Application of compressed sensing in power quality disturbance signals denoising

      2017, 31(10):1653-1658. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.019

      Abstract (3519) HTML (0) PDF 2.90 M (15337) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the problem of signal distortion, nonideal denoising,and poor reconfiguration in the denoising method for power quality signal based on wavelet threshold, an improved denoising method for power quality signal based on the theory of compressed sensing(CS) is presented.CS denoising method mapsthe signal into a lowdimensional space firstly.Considering the characteristicthat the power quality signal can be represented sparsely and reconstructed while noise signal can’t berepresented sparsely.Then the original signal can be reconstructed with orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm (OMP),and the purpose of denoising is finally achieved.The simulation shows that the CS denoising method is superior to the traditional threshold denoising method based on wavelet denoising,and signal is not distortion.And the proposed method is easy to realize since it completes denoising at the same time of signal collection and compress, and provides a new method for the power quality signal denoising.

    • Image denoising model based on mixing Wiener filtering and improved total variation

      2017, 31(10):1659-1666. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.020

      Abstract (3309) HTML (0) PDF 10.60 M (15842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new image denoising model based on mixing Wiener filtering and improved total variation is proposed for protecting the information of image’s edge and texture in image processing.The proposed model combined Wiener filtering and improved total variation with an optimal weighting value,which was made by new operator to establish diffusion model, and could adaptively select the most appropriate denoising scheme by utilizing the gradient information of each pixel point in the image,remove Gaussian noise while keep edge structures in advance and overcome the “staircase effect” of total variation model.The simulation results indicate that the proposed model can improved enoising performance,protect edge’s structure, and retain more texture details of the image effectively.Compared with other classical linear filtering method,the new model is ideal, the peak signaltonoise ratio is improved by 20 dB and the mean square error decreases sharply in the test.

    • Research on remote monitoring automatic assessment system and explosion points location

      2017, 31(10):1667-1672. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.021

      Abstract (3220) HTML (0) PDF 1.65 M (15318) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, targetscoring system accomplishes artillery, aviation firefighting remote monitoring and explosion points location automatic assessment, and provides effective scientific basis to the army combat training effect, at the same time also is the need of construction of digital range. 3level targetscoring system based on wireless transmission terminal and RS485 network has the characteristics of distributed measurement, unmanned, remote control, friendly manmachine interface, and accomplishes automatic identification and location, information wireless transmission, digital display, and data management. The system is built based on binocular stereo vision measurement principle. 25 fps camera collects 100 consecutive frames, and implements 15 explosion points locations realtime and online. It has well solved the problem of large threedimensional space multiple targets automatic positioning calculation.

    • Impact of signal inspace error on Beidou oneway timing

      2017, 31(10):1673-1678. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.022

      Abstract (3212) HTML (0) PDF 819.28 K (2898) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Beidou satellite broadcast ephemeris is the main error source of timing service, and it is necessary to analyze its precision. The calculation method of signalinspace is analyzed mainly considering satellite ephemeris and satellite clock error. The care must be taken is that when using the BeiDou satellite broadcast ephemeris and precise ephemeris/clocks the reference time scale is atypsim, the coordinate system is atypsim, and the reference point of satellite position is atypsim. The impact of signalinspace error on oneway timing is analyzed with IGS final precise ephemeris for reference. According to the results, the random fluctuation of the impact of signalinspace error on oneway timing is within 7 ns. And the impact of satellite clock error is relatively larger than that of satellite ephemeris error because there are different system errors corresponding to each BeiDou satellite’s clock error.

    • Research on quantum image recognition based on measurement

      2017, 31(10):1679-1686. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.023

      Abstract (2681) HTML (0) PDF 4.62 M (15781) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, the existing quantum similarity comparison:one is to compare the pixel values of the image’s corresponding position one by one;the other is to represent two images by quantum states, then the two images are connected (it means that the two quantum states are connected to a state), and the relevant quantum operation is carried out.The proposed algorithm is based on the nonconnected image, the image is represented by quantum states. Next,the control swap (cSwap) operation is performed, then the quantum measurement is carried out,and the similarity of two images is determined according to the measurement result.The proposed quantum similarity comparison algorithm is applied to quantum gesture recognition, and the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible in identifying the problem.In the classic field, the process of gesture recognition is more complex.In the quantum field, there is no need to extract the gestures of the color, texture, features and other steps. The gesture can be binarized directly, and then the gesture recognition is achieved according to the proposedimage similarity algorithm.

    • High resolution remote sensing image segmentation method for urban scenes combined with shadow compensation

      2017, 31(10):1687-1692. DOI: 10.13382/j.jemi.2017.10.024

      Abstract (3186) HTML (0) PDF 5.41 M (15279) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the continuous improvement of the spatial resolution of remote sensing image, the interference of weak edges and false edges caused by the shadow to accurate extraction of the object outlines has been moreprotruding. Therefore, this paper introduces a shadow compensation strategy into image segmentation to propose a high resolution remote sensing image segmentation algorithm SWJSEG for urban scenes based on the previously proposed WJSEG algorithm. Firstly, the shadow is regarded as the point out of bounds to get the mean value and covariance matrix through the iterative strategy to realize the shadow detection and compensation based on Chisquare transformation. On this basis, the multiscale segmentation algorithm WJSEG is adopted to obtain the final segmentation result. The experimental results show that this method proposed in this papercan effectively deal with the interference caused by the shadow and improve the accuracy and reliability of image segmentation.

Editor in chief:Prof. Peng Xiyuan

Edited and Published by:Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation

International standard number:ISSN 1000-7105

Unified domestic issue:CN 11-2488/TN

Domestic postal code:80-403

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