侯利民,韦卓庆,曹生辉,张 明.麻雀搜索算法的 PMSM 固定时间无模型滑模控制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(12):156-165
麻雀搜索算法的 PMSM 固定时间无模型滑模控制
Fixed time model-free sliding mode control of PMSM based on sparrow search algorithm
中文关键词:  麻雀搜索算法  无模型  固定时间滑模控制  固定时间观测器
英文关键词:sparrow search algorithm  model-free  fixed time sliding mode control  fixed time observer
侯利民 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
韦卓庆 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
曹生辉 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
张 明 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
Hou Limin 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Wei Zhuoqing 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Cao Shenghui 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Zhang Ming 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
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      针对永磁同步电机(permanent magnet synchronous motors,PMSM)调速系统的易受外部负载扰动的影响,提出了一种基 于改进麻雀搜索算法的 PMSM 固定时间无模型滑模控制策略。 在转速环输入输出超局部模型的基础上构建了固定时间滑模 速度控制器,设计了固定时间扰动观测器估计超局部模型的未知扰动,并通过前馈补偿的方式削弱未知扰动对调速系统带来的 不利影响,提高调速系统的抗干扰能力,利用李雅普诺夫函数证明了速度控制器和观测器的固定时间收敛性。 由于控制器参数 较多且会影响系统性能,为了准确获取参数,提出了改进的麻雀搜索算法对控制器的参数进行优化。 实验结果显示,本文提出 的控制方案与 PI 控制相比较,有效解决了超调问题,稳定时间加快了 22. 8%,加载时转速变化减少了 75%,表明本文提出控制 方案的有效性。
      The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) speed control system is easy to be affected by external load disturbance, this paper presents a fixed-time model-free sliding mode control strategy for PMSM based on improved sparrow search algorithm. Based on the input-output ultra-local model of the speed loop, a fixed-time sliding mode speed controller is constructed, and a fixed-time disturbance observer is designed to estimate the unknown disturbances of the ultra-local model, and through the way of feed-forward compensation to weaken the adverse effect of unknown disturbance on the speed control system, and improve the anti-interference ability of the speed control system, the fixed-time convergence of the speed controller and the observer is proved by Lyapunov function. In order to obtain the parameters accurately, an improved sparrow search algorithm is proposed to optimize the parameters of the controller. The experimental results show that the control scheme proposed in this paper effectively solves the overshoot problem compared with the PI control, accelerating the stability time by 22. 8% and reducing the loading speed change by 75%, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
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