Adaptive filtering algorithm aiming at vertical texture images
中文关键词:  图像处理  边缘检测  纹理分析  自适应滤波  图像去噪
英文关键词:image processing  edge scan  texture analysis  adaptive filter  image denoising
贾宇申 河北农业大学机电工程学院保定071000 
蔡振江 河北农业大学机电工程学院保定071000 
程曼 河北农业大学机电工程学院保定071000 
Jia Yushen College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Agricultural University of Hebe; Baoding 071000,China 
Cai Zhenjiang College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Agricultural University of Hebe; Baoding 071000,China 
Cheng Man College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Agricultural University of Hebe; Baoding 071000,China 
摘要点击次数: 2978
全文下载次数: 17024
      When counting papers and wafer cells, the sides of gathered images are horizontally striped. During its filtering, traditional filtering algorithm often results edge image blur. To solve those problems, this paper presents an adaptive template filtering algorithm for vertical solar cells image, which determines threshold by the image gray, finds edge pixels to exclude, and creates the template for the rest of the pixels by surrounding pixels’ gray value. It is seen from the graph of the gradation values before and after filtering that the algorithm has good effect at the edges, and the gray of result image is highly smoothed, and the algorithm has practical value.
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