刘 昶,姜 楠,贾峻权,曲广宇.单轴转台上 2D 激光雷达的位姿估计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(1):87-95
单轴转台上 2D 激光雷达的位姿估计
Pose determination of 2D LiDAR on uniaxial turntable
中文关键词:  计算机视觉  位姿估计  标定  2D 激光雷达
英文关键词:computer vision  pose determination  calibration  2D LiDAR
刘 昶 1. 沈阳理工大学信息科学与工程学院 
姜 楠 1. 沈阳理工大学信息科学与工程学院 
贾峻权 2. 苏州博实慧源智能科技有限责任公司 
曲广宇 1. 沈阳理工大学信息科学与工程学院 
Liu Chang 1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
Jiang Nan 1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
Jia Junquan 2. Suzhou Boshihuiyuan Intelligent Technology Co. , Ltd. 
Qu Guangyu 1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
摘要点击次数: 653
全文下载次数: 855
      针对单轴转台搭载 2D 激光雷达进行场景扫描的系统中的激光雷达动态位姿估计问题,提出一种利用 V 形棋盘格标定 板进行位姿估计的方法。 通过相机拍摄标定板上的两条光条直线的图像,提取光条直线特征,计算光平面及两条光条在相机坐 标系下的方程;再结合雷达提供的扫描数据,计算出雷达坐标系与相机坐标系的变换关系;通过控制转台做 3 次以上的旋转运 动,解算出转台轴在相机坐标系下的直线方程,拟合出雷达光心、雷达坐标系的坐标轴关于转台旋转角度的函数关系。 位姿估 计实验中计算得到的雷达光心位置与样本的平均误差在 1. 2 mm 以内,计算得到的雷达坐标轴方向与样本的平均误差在 0. 7° 以内;目标测量实验中通过单轴转台搭载 2D 激光雷达对目标尺寸测量的平均误差在 3 mm 以内。 实验结果表明该方法具有较 好的准确性。
      A method using a V shaped chessboard was proposed to address the dynamic pose determination problem of 2D LiDARs mounted on uniaxial turntables in scene scanning systems. From the image of the laser stripes on the calibration planes captured by a camera, the line features of the stripes were extracted. Then the laser plane equation and two-line equations of laser stripes in the camera coordinate system were computed. Using scanning data from the LiDAR, the transformation between the LiDAR and the camera coordinate systems was acquired. By controlling the turntable rotate three times or more, the functions of the turntable axis, the LiDAR center, and the LiDAR coordinate system w. r. t the rotation angle of the turntable were estimated. In the pose determination experiment, the average error between the calculated LiDAR centers and the samples is less than 1. 2 mm, the average angle errors between the calculated LiDAR coordinate axes and the samples are less than 0. 7°. In the experiment of object measurement using a 2D LiDAR mounted on a uniaxial turntable, the object size error is less than 3 mm. The experimental results showed a good accuracy of the presented method.
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