张 艳,王 宇.基于视觉里程计的室内位姿测量技术研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(6):73-81
Design and implementation method of a visual odometer
中文关键词:  室内定位  双目视觉  视觉里程计  特征匹配
英文关键词:indoor positioning  binocular vision  visual odometer  feature matching
张 艳 1.南京理工大学机械工程学院 
王 宇 1.南京理工大学机械工程学院 
Zhang Yan 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology 
Wang Yu 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology 
摘要点击次数: 660
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      随着人口老龄化程度的不断加深,独居老人也在不断增多。 在解决独居老人养老问题的应用上,室内定位是最基本和 关键的问题。 针对室内定位的需求,提出了双目视觉里程计定位算法,从相机成像模型、特征提取、特征匹配以及运动估计 4 个 方面展开了研究。 首先,采用双目摄像头作为传感器进行图像采集;然后通过提取 ORB 特征点来完成相邻图像之间的匹配关 系,根据基于 BRIEF 描述子的立体匹配算法得到左右图像对应特征点的匹配关系;最后对相机的运动进行估计。 设计了硬件 和软件平台对提出的方法进行实验。 实验证明,基于视觉里程计的室内定位技术能够准确地定位老人在室内的位置,能够实时 地对老人进行安全监护。
      As the aging of the population continues to deepen, the number of elderly people living alone is also increasing. In the application of solving the problem of elderly living alone, indoor positioning is the most basic and critical issue. Aiming at the needs of indoor positioning, a binocular visual odometer positioning algorithm is proposed, which has been studied from four aspects: Camera imaging model, feature extraction, feature matching and motion estimation. First, the binocular camera is used as the sensor for image acquisition; then the matching relationship between adjacent images is completed by extracting ORB feature points, and the matching relationship between the corresponding feature points of the left and right images is obtained according to the stereo matching algorithm based on the BRIEF descriptor, the camera movement is estimated. The hardware and software platforms are designed to experiment with the proposed method. Experiments have proved that the indoor positioning technology based on visual odometer can accurately locate the position of the elderly indoors, and can safely monitor the elderly in real time.
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