何春舅,雍珊珊,王新安.AETA 电磁扰动传感探头系统集成与测试[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(4):90-95
AETA 电磁扰动传感探头系统集成与测试
System integration and test of AETA electromagnetic disturbance sensing probe
中文关键词:  AETA  地震监测  电磁扰动  磁传感器
英文关键词:AETA  seismic monitoring  electromagnetic disturbance  magnetic sensor
何春舅 1. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 集成微系统科学工程与应用重点实验室,2. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 地震监测预测技术研究中心 
雍珊珊 1. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 集成微系统科学工程与应用重点实验室,2. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 地震监测预测技术研究中心 
王新安 1. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 集成微系统科学工程与应用重点实验室,2. 北京大学 深圳研究生院 地震监测预测技术研究中心 
He Chunjiu 1. The Key Laboratory of Integrated Micro-systems, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,2. The Research Center of Earthquake Monitoring and Forecasting Technology, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, 
Yong Shanshan 1. The Key Laboratory of Integrated Micro-systems, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,2. The Research Center of Earthquake Monitoring and Forecasting Technology, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, 
Wang Xin′an 1. The Key Laboratory of Integrated Micro-systems, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,2. The Research Center of Earthquake Monitoring and Forecasting Technology, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, 
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      为了研究电磁信号是否能作为一种可靠的地震前兆信号,设计了一种基于感应式磁传感器用于地震监测的电磁传感探 头。 该探头电路由前端信号处理电路和后端采集电路组成,可支持频段为 10 Hz ~ 10 kHz,0. 1 ~ 1 000 nT 较宽动态范围的甚低 频、超低频电磁波段的电磁信号采集,灵敏度大于 20 mV/ nT@ 0. 1 Hz~ 10 kHz,18 位分辨率,并通过了多项可靠性测试。 此外, 该探头已经应用到包括川滇国家试验场在内的 221 个台站中的电磁监测中。 现场观测实验表明,该电磁传感探头能有效捕捉 到高度相关的电磁信号。
      In order to study whether the electromagnetic signal can be used as a reliable earthquake precursor signal, an electromagnetic sensing probe based on inductive magnetic sensor for earthquake monitoring is designed. The probe is composed of a signal processing and an acquisition circuit, which can support electromagnetic signal acquisition in very low frequency (VLF) and ultra low frequency (ULF) from 10 Hz~ 10 kHz in a wide dynamic range 0. 1~ 1 000 nT. The sensitivity of the probe is greater than 20 mV/ nT@ 0. 1 Hz~ 10 kHz, 18-bit resolution. Besides, the probe has passed many reliability tests and has been applied to 221 stations including the Sichuan and Yunnan National Test site for electromagnetic monitoring. Field observation experiments show that the probe can capture a highly correlated electromagnetic signal effectively.
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