Design of ultra-broadband mixer chip with high LO-IF isolation
中文关键词:  混频器  谐波混频  反向二极管对  超宽带
英文关键词:mixer  harmonic mixer  reverse-diode-pair  ultra-broadband
韩星宇 中北大学仪器与电子学院太原030051 
年夫顺 1.中北大学仪器与电子学院太原030051;2.中电科思仪科技股份有限公司青岛266555 
代秀 中电科思仪科技股份有限公司青岛266555 
张婷 中北大学仪器与电子学院太原030051 
Han Xingyu School of Instrument and Electronics, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
Nian Fushun 1.School of Instrument and Electronics, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China; 2.CETC Instruments Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266555, China 
Dai Xiu CETC Instruments Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266555, China 
Zhang Ting School of Instrument and Electronics, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China 
摘要点击次数: 284
全文下载次数: 2048
      超宽带谐波混频器一般采用本振中频双工器,从本振通路引出中频信号。但是当本振频率和中频频率相近或者重叠时,难以实现本振到中频高隔离。本文采用了不同于常用谐波混频器结构,用射频中频双工器替代了本振中频双工器,从射频通路引出中频信号,设计了30~110 GHz 4次谐波混频芯片,并进行了封装实验测试。经测试,4次谐波混频器射频频率30~110 GHz,中频频率1 GHz的变频损耗小于25 dB,DC-15 GHz本振和中频端口间的隔离度可达30 dB,固定本振时中频频率DC-7 GHz变频损耗小于28 dB。因此,本设计可有效隔离频率相近的本振和中频信号,为拓宽中频带宽提供可能。
      Ultra-broadband harmonic mixers generally use LO-IF duplexers to extract IF signals from the LO circuit. However, when the LO frequency and the IF frequency are similar or overlap, it is difficult to achieve high LO-IF isolation. In this paper, RF-IF duplexer is used to replace the LO-IF duplexer, different from the common harmonic mixer structure, and IF signal is extracted from the RF circuit. A 30~110 GHz fourth harmonic mixer chip is designed and tested. After the four harmonic mixer testing, RF sweep frequency range 30~110 GHz, frequency conversion loss is less than 25 dB at IF frequency 1 GHz. In DC-15 GHz, the isolation between the LO and the IF ports is up to 30 dB. When the local vibration is fixed, the frequency conversion loss of IF sweep frequency DC-7 GHz is less than 28 dB. Therefore, this design can effectively isolate LO and IF signals with similar frequencies, and it is possible to broaden the IF broadband.
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