Research on obstacle avoidance path of wheeled plant protectionrobot based on improved ACO-DWA algorithm
中文关键词:  轮式植保机器人  改进ACO-DWA算法  路径规划  通行成本  能耗成本
英文关键词:wheeled plant protection robot  improved ACO-DWA algorithm  path planning  travel costs  energy consumption cost
基金项目:甘肃省高校教师创新基金(2023A 114)、天水师范学院校级产业支撑项目(CYZ2023 05)、天水师范学院校级创新创业引导项目(CXCYJG JGXM202304JD)资助
牛晶 天水师范学院机电与汽车工程学院天水741001 
申传艳 天水师范学院机电与汽车工程学院天水741001 
张利鹏 燕山大学车辆与能源学院秦皇岛066004 
李奇军 天水师范学院机电与汽车工程学院天水741001 
刘世锋 天水师范学院机电与汽车工程学院天水741001 
Niu Jing School of Mechanical, Electrical and Automotive Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, China 
Shen Chuanyan School of Mechanical, Electrical and Automotive Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, China 
Zhang Lipeng School of Vehicle and Energy, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
Li Qijun School of Mechanical, Electrical and Automotive Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, China 
Liu Shifeng School of Mechanical, Electrical and Automotive Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, China 
摘要点击次数: 6
全文下载次数: 277
      山地非标准果园内大型植保机械通行性差,小型轮式植保机器人有广阔的应用前景。为解决因果园枝叶郁闭所造成的视觉信息误判,作业地形复杂所造成的机器人避障不及时等问题,提出了一种基于改进ACO DWA算法的轮式植保机器人路径规划算法。首先通过激光雷达获取果园环境信息,应用体素化网格法精简点云密度,利用栅格法分割地面点云,采用K-means算法提取机器人行间通行区域;再结合植保机器人的运动学模型及作业规范约束,采用基于模型预测算法(SBMPO)生成一系列待选轨迹集合;然后采用改进的ACO-DWA算法,将机器人的通行成本融入搜索节点的目标函数,根据环境地图在线进行路径规划;最后,利用MATLAB R2021仿真平台和机器人ROS操作系统分别进行了仿真验证和实景布置试验。试验结果表明,该方法可以明显改善机器人在果园复杂场景下的通行能力,算法路径规划效果和运行效率明显提高。
      Large scale plant protection machinery in non-standard orchards in mountainous areas has poor accessibility, and small wheeled plant protection robots have broad application prospects. A path planning algorithm for wheeled plant protection robots based on improved ACO-DWA algorithm is proposed to solve the problems of visual information misjudgment caused by closed orchard branches and leaves, as well as delayed obstacle avoidance caused by complex working terrain. Firstly, the orchard environment information is obtained through LiDAR, and the voxel grid method is applied to simplify the point cloud density. The grid method is used to segment the ground point cloud, and the K-means algorithm is used to extract the robot’s inter row passage area. Combined with the kinematic model and job specification constraints of the plant protection robot, a series of candidate trajectory sets are generated using the model based prediction algorithm (SBMPO). Then, using the improved ACO-DWA algorithm, the robot’s travel cost is integrated into the objective function of the search node, and path planning is carried out online based on the environmental map. Finally, simulation validation and real-world deployment experiments were conducted using MATLAB R2021 simulation platform and robot ROS operating system, respectively. The experimental results show that this method can significantly improve the traffic capacity of robots in complex orchard scenes, and the path planning effect and operational efficiency are significantly improved.
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