Research on measurement method of pile qualitybased on modified cam clay model
中文关键词:  堆料质量盘点  修正剑桥模型  密度测量  三维激光扫描
英文关键词:stock quality inventory  modified cam clay model  density measurement  three-dimensional laser scanning
李昕民 中国计量大学计量测试与仪器学院杭州310018 
沈小燕 中国计量大学计量测试与仪器学院杭州310018 
Li Xinmin College of Metrology Measurement and Instrument,China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018,China 
Shen Xiaoyan College of Metrology Measurement and Instrument,China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018,China 
摘要点击次数: 232
全文下载次数: 1947
      针对堆料盘点时工作效率低、结果不准确等问题,研究了一种基于修正剑桥模型的质量测量方法,并通过对小型石英砂堆料进行质量测量实验验证了该方法的可行性。为了提高堆料质量盘点时的工作效率以及测量结果的准确度,基于积分原理,结合修正剑桥模型描述的应力应变关系构建堆料的应力-密度模型,基于薄膜式压力传感器设计密度测量装置,根据储料场中常见堆料的形式设计两种不同的堆料,对两种石英砂堆料分别进行质量测量实验,通过获取堆料不同高度以及径向不同深度处的压力进而得到密度,结合三维激光扫描仪采集到的点云数据得到堆料体积,从而实现堆料质量的测量。实验结果表明,对于质量为92.1 kg和86.1 kg的石英砂堆料,该方法测得结果的相对误差均在4%以下。实验结果证明了该测量方法的可行性,后续可为大型堆料的盘点提供参考,有助于企业进一步进行生产计划安排。
      Aiming at the problems such as low efficiency and inaccurate results in powder pile inventory, a quality measurement method based on modified cam clay model is studied, the feasibility of this method is verified by the quality measurement experiment of small quartz sand. In order to improve the efficiency of material quality inventory and the accuracy of measurement results, a stress-density model is constructed based on the integral principle and the stress-strain relationship described by the modified cam clay model, based on the thin-film pressure sensor, a density measuring device is designed, and two different kinds of stacking materials are designed according to the common stacking materials in the storage yard, the density can be obtained by the pressure at different height and radial depth, and the volume can be obtained by the point cloud data of three-dimensional laser scanner. The experimental results show that the relative error of the results obtained by this method is below 4% for quartz sand piles with masses of 92.1 kg and 86.1 kg. The experimental results prove the feasibility of the measurement method, which can provide reference for the inventory of large-scale stack and help enterprises to make further production planning.
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