Research on the application of random forest algorithmin ultrasonic defect recognition
中文关键词:  随机森林  超声探伤  缺陷识别  不同形状和尺寸  分类准确率
英文关键词:ultrasonic defect detection  defect identification  random forest  different shapes and sizes  classification accuracy
魏新园 1.安徽省智能破拆装备工程实验室马鞍山243032;2.安徽工业大学电气与信息工程学院马鞍山243032 
周京欢 安徽省智能破拆装备工程实验室马鞍山243032 
钱牧云 安徽省智能破拆装备工程实验室马鞍山243032 
李丹 安徽省智能破拆装备工程实验室马鞍山243032 
黄三傲 安徽省智能破拆装备工程实验室马鞍山243032 
Wei Xinyuan 1.Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Demolition Equipment, Ma′anshan 243032,China; 2.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma′anshan 243032,China 
Zhou Jinghuan Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Demolition Equipment, Ma′anshan 243032,China 
Qian Muyun Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Demolition Equipment, Ma′anshan 243032,China 
Li Dan Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Demolition Equipment, Ma′anshan 243032,China 
Huang San′ao Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Demolition Equipment, Ma′anshan 243032,China 
摘要点击次数: 3
全文下载次数: 279
      Ultrasonic detection is a common method of steel defect detection. The classification model established by machine learning algorithm can realize effective defect identification. Neural network is the most commonly used algorithm at present, but it has the problem of complex model structure and large amount of training data. In this paper, an ultrasonic defect recognition method based on random forest is proposed, which can realize intelligent and accurate identification of defect types to solve the problems of complex model structure and large training data requirements. Firstly, ultrasonic detection experiments were carried out for defects of different shapes, sizes and depths in the specimen. Based on the experimental data, an ultrasonic defect recognition model was established using random forest algorithm. Then, the defect recognition effect of the model is analyzed, and compared with support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor classification algorithm, AdaBoosting algorithm and convolutional neural network. Then the defect identification verification experiment is carried out with the verification specimen to further verify the validity of the established defect identification model. The results show that the proposed method has the highest accuracy compared with other algorithms, and the accuracy of defect classification reaches 94.6% in the verification experiment.
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