Measuring BER based method of building an eye-diagramChen XingliaoGao EnhuiLiu Tong
中文关键词:  动态测试  误码率插值  眼图测量  Q尺度因子
英文关键词:dynamic measurement  BER interpolation  eye-diagram measurement  Q-scale
陈星燎 天津中德应用技术大学智能制造学院天津300350 
高恩辉 天津中德应用技术大学智能制造学院天津300350 
刘通 天津中德应用技术大学智能制造学院天津300350 
Chen Xingliao Intelligent Manufacturing College, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences, Tianjin 300350,China 
Gao Enhui Intelligent Manufacturing College, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences, Tianjin 300350,China 
Liu Tong Intelligent Manufacturing College, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences, Tianjin 300350,China 
摘要点击次数: 225
全文下载次数: 2004
      At present, the automatic test equipment on the production line can only perform the traditional static test of on, off, and short circuit of the high-speed serial interface, and it is difficult to complete the dynamic test of the time domain characteristics of the eye diagram in a limited production cycle time. In order to complete the dynamic test at low cost and quickly on the production line, a two-dimensional bit error rate statistical circuit with multiple phases and multiple decision levels was developed, and the time domain eye diagram was constructed by the method of equal bit error rate interpolation. Firstly, the different source characteristics of jitter are analyzed, and the relationship between jitter and BER, the relationship between Q Scale and BER P is obtained according to the Dual-Dirac model, and the tangent slope of the Q-P curve converges to the reciprocal of the random jitter variance σ. Then, by measuring the tangent slope to solve the σ, the model of Gaussian random jitter is obtained. Finally, according to the Gaussian model the BER curves at all decision levels are interpolated at a giver BER, the equal points on the two-dimensional BER map are found, and these points are connected to obtain the inner contour line of the eye diagram. The calculation and analysis of Gaussian function, eye diagram simulation data and experimental data show that the Q-P curve slope interpolation method can rebuild the inner contour line of the eye diagram in the area below the BER less than 10-4, and can quantitatively evaluate the basic eye diagram time domain parameters such as eye height, eye width, amplitude, rise and fall time, and the accuracy error of the relevant data is about 10%.
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