刘德伟,朱爱红,赵岩浩,李 博.基于改进 CEEMDAN 的应答器上行链路信号降噪研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(12):1-9
基于改进 CEEMDAN 的应答器上行链路信号降噪研究
De-noising of balise uplink signal based on improved CEEMDAN
中文关键词:  应答器上行链路信号  自适应白噪声完备经验模态分解  小波包自适应阈值  降噪
英文关键词:balise uplink signal  complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN)  wavelet packet adaptive threshold  denoising
刘德伟 1. 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院 
朱爱红 1. 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院 
赵岩浩 2. 中国铁路兰州局集团有限公司银川电务段 
李 博 3. 北京铁路信号有限公司 
Liu Dewei 1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University 
Zhu Aihong 1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University 
Zhao Yanhao 2. Yinchuan Telecommunication Depot, China Railway Lanzhou Group Co. , Ltd 
Li Bo 3. Beijing Railway Signal Co. , Ltd. 
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      针对在高速铁路复杂电磁环境中应答器上行链路(balise uplink,BU)信号传输受扰的问题,提出了一种基于自适应白噪 声完备经验模态分解(complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise,CEEMDAN)与小波包自适应阈值的联 合降噪方法。 首先,采用 CEEMDAN 算法将模拟 BU 信号分解为 12 个模态分量,根据相关系数判断分量为相关分量或无关分 量;然后,相关分量经小波包降噪处理后重构为降噪后的 BU 信号;最后,选用信噪比(signal-noise ratio,SNR)和均方根误差( root mean square error,RMSE)作为评价指标,将该方法与目前广泛采用的 6 种降噪方法进行对比,信噪比提高了 0. 486 1~ 6. 144 dB, 均方根误差降低了 0. 054 9~ 11. 091。 为检验该方法的实际应用效果,采用联合降噪方法对实测 BU 信号进行降噪处理。 仿真 验证和实验验证的结果表明,采用联合降噪方法降噪后的 BU 信号不仅噪声分量得到了有效去除,而且信号特征保存完好,证 明该方法能够应用于解决实际 BU 信号受扰问题。
      For the problem that the balise uplink (BU) signal transmission was interfered in the complex electromagnetic environment of high-speed railway, a denoising method based on the complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) combined with wavelet packet adaptive threshold was proposed. Firstly, the CEEMDAN algorithm was used to decompose the simulated BU signal into 12 modal components, and the components were determined to be correlated or irrelevant based on the correlation coefficients; Then, the relevant components were reconstructed into the denoised BU signal after wavelet packet denoising processing; Finally, signal noise ratio (SNR) and root mean square error (RMSE) were selected as evaluation metrics to compare this method with six widely used denoising methods. The SNR increased by 0. 486 1 ~ 6. 144 dB and the RMSE decreased by 0. 054 9 ~ 11. 091. To verify the practical application effect of this method, this joint denoising method was adopted to denoise the measured BU signal. The results of simulation and experimental verification showed that the BU signal denoised by the joint denoising method not only effectively removed the noise component, but also preserved the signal features well, proving that this method can be applied to solve the problem of actual BU signal interference.
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