许孝卓,郭国宾,封海潮,杜宝玉,吉升阳.五相 U 型永磁凸极直线电机对比分析[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(12):176-185
五相 U 型永磁凸极直线电机对比分析
Comparative analysis of five-phase U-shaped permanent magnet salient pole linear motor
中文关键词:  永磁凸极直线电机  U 型永磁极  五相电机  电磁特性  对比分析
英文关键词:permanent magnet salient pole linear motor  U-shaped permanent magnet pole  five-phase motor  electromagnetic characteristics  comparative analysis
许孝卓 1. 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,2. 河南省智能装备直驱技术与控制国际联合实验室 
郭国宾 1. 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
封海潮 1. 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院,2. 河南省智能装备直驱技术与控制国际联合实验室 
杜宝玉 1. 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
吉升阳 1. 河南理工大学电气工程与自动化学院 
Xu Xiaozhuo 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University,2. Henan International Joint Laboratory of Direct Drive and Control of Intelligent Equipment 
Guo Guobin 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University 
Feng Haichao 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University,2. Henan International Joint Laboratory of Direct Drive and Control of Intelligent Equipment 
Du Baoyu 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University 
Ji Shengyang 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University 
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      针对直线电机垂直提升系统(LMVHS)无绳化直驱运行,对高容错性、大推力密度的新型直线电机的迫切需求,提出一 种五相 U 型永磁凸极直线电机(FU-PMSPLM),初级设置五相绕组以提高电机容错运行能力,次级永磁体采用 U 型结构以提高 永磁利用率。 首先,从降低漏磁角度,分析了 U 型磁极结构演化机理,并给出电机主要结构参数;其次,采用有限元法对比分析 了电机次级永磁体采用 U 型与 Halbach 结构的电磁特性,并基于磁动势不变原则,以 A 相缺相故障为例,与三相 U 型永磁凸极 直线电机(TU-PMSPLM)对比分析了容错性能;最后,制作实验样机并进行实验验证,样机实测与仿真结果基本一致。 研究表 明,等永磁体用量时,次级采用 U 型结构较 Halbach 结构,气隙磁通密度幅值增大 13. 89%,平均推力提高 7. 54%,推力波动降低 25. 07%;FU-PMSPLM 较 TU-PMSPLM 具有更好的缺相运行能力。
      Aiming at the cordless direct drive operation of linear motor vertical lifting system (LMVHS), there is an urgent need for a new type of linear motor with high fault tolerance and high thrust density, a five-phase U-shaped permanent magnet salient pole linear motor (FU-PMSPLM) is proposed. The primary set five-phase winding to improve the fault-tolerant performance, and the secondary permanent magnets (PMs) with U-shaped structure can make full use of the PMs. Firstly, from the perspective of reducing magnetic flux leakage, the evolution mechanism of U-shaped magnetic pole structure is analyzed, and the main structural parameters of the motor are given. Secondly, the finite element method (FEM) is used to compare and analyze the electromagnetic characteristics of the U-shaped and Halbach structure of the motor secondary permanent magnet. Based on the principle of constant magnetomotive force, by taking the phase A fault as an example, the fault tolerance performance of the three-phase U-shaped permanent magnet salient pole linear motor (TU-PMSPLM). Finally, the experimental prototype is made and the experimental verification is carried out, the experimental results are basically consistent with the simulation results, which verifies the rationality and feasibility of the proposed motor. The results show that when the amount of permanent magnet is equal, the U-shaped structure of the secondary permanent magnet is compared with the Halbach structure, the amplitude of the air gap flux density increases by 13. 89%, the average thrust increases by 7. 54% and the thrust fluctuation decreases by 25. 07%. FU-PMSPLM has better phase-deficient operation ability than TU-PMSPLM.
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