蔡紫烨,周凌柯,黄海舟,张永耀,李 胜.冗余捷联惯导软故障检测方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(10):115-122
Research on soft fault detection method of redundant SINS
中文关键词:  冗余捷联惯导  软故障检测  APV  SPRT  渐消因子
英文关键词:redundant SINS  soft fault detection  APV  SPRT  fading factor
基金项目:高新工程重大专项(5140501B0203) 项目资助
蔡紫烨 1.南京理工大学自动化学院 
周凌柯 1.南京理工大学自动化学院 
黄海舟 1.南京理工大学自动化学院 
张永耀 1.南京理工大学自动化学院 
李 胜 1.南京理工大学自动化学院 
Cai Ziye 1.School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 
Zhou Lingke 1.School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 
Huang Haizhou 1.School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 
Zhang Yongyao 1.School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 
Li Sheng 1.School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 367
全文下载次数: 651
      针对冗余捷联惯导系统在软故障检测上仍然存在实时性低、检测性能易受环境影响的问题,提出了一种 APV/ FASPRT 算法。 首先根据硬件冗余配置构造奇偶空间,对奇偶残差执行 SPRT 算法,引入了渐消因子与周期重置提高对当前残差信息的 跟踪速度;其次通过 APV 算法检测故障结束时刻以重置渐消 SPRT 并提供敏感轴信息;最后针对工程常用的四、六陀螺冗余配 置提出了一种基于可容性故障的检测阈值确定方法以增强故障检测的稳定性。 仿真结果表明,该算法在软故障检测上分别比 GLT、SPRT、APV 方法平均检测延迟减少了 50. 59%、70. 21%、2. 32%、平均虚警率降低了 69. 31%、99. 33%、64. 77%,在增强了软 故障检测的实时性的同时减少了无故障时刻的虚警率。
      To solve the problems of low real-time performance and easy environmental impact in soft fault detection of redundant strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS), an APV/ FASPRT algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the parity space is constructed according to the hardware redundancy configuration, SPRT algorithm is implemented for the parity residual, and the fading factor and periodic reset are introduced to improve the tracking speed of the current residual information. Secondly, APV algorithm is used to detect the fault end time to reset the fading SPRT and provide sensitive axis information. In order to enhance the stability of fault detection, a threshold determination method based on the admissibility fault is proposed for the four and six gyro redundancy configurations commonly used in engineering. The simulation results show that compared with GLT, SPRT and APV methods, the average detection delay of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 50. 59%, 70. 21% and 2. 32%, and the average false alarm rate is reduced by 69. 31%, 99. 33% and 64. 77%, respectively. The real time of soft fault detection is enhanced and the false alarm rate is reduced in normal running time.
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