翟雷应,张钰瑶,刘文进,南敬昌.减少静电漂移的高可靠 RF MEMS 开关研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(11):41-55
减少静电漂移的高可靠 RF MEMS 开关研究
Research on anti-static and long-life high stability RF MEMS switch
中文关键词:  RF MEMS 开关  可靠性  介质充电  开关寿命  电荷注入  接触碰撞
英文关键词:RF MEMS switches  reliability  dielectric charging  switching life  charge injection  contact collision
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61971210) 、辽宁省应用基础研究计划项目(2022JH2 / 101300275)、辽宁工程技术大学横向课题(21-2334)项目资助
翟雷应 1.辽宁工程技术大学 
张钰瑶 1.辽宁工程技术大学 
刘文进 1.辽宁工程技术大学 
南敬昌 1.辽宁工程技术大学 
Zhai Leiying 1.Liaoning Technical University 
Zhang Yuyao 1.Liaoning Technical University 
Liu Wenjin 1.Liaoning Technical University 
Nan Jingchang 1.Liaoning Technical University 
摘要点击次数: 408
全文下载次数: 659
      RF MEMS 开关具有制作工艺简单、易于集成等优点。 而目前由电介质膜电荷积累造成的静电漂移及频繁机械碰撞导 致严重的可靠性问题阻碍了其嵌入终端射频系统稳定性的提高。 因此结构上采用电介质悬空薄膜改善电荷积累问题,并对开 关机械结构限位实现开关的动态缓冲,降低高频次的机械碰撞损伤。 同时依靠凸台触点结构,减少静电漂移。 确立了电介质膜 充电、开关寿命的理论模型并预测开关的寿命。 结果表明,所设计开关寿命超过 12 900 h。 相比已有 RF MEMS 开关,在两极板 间距及金属梁-电介质膜间距分别相等的情况下,所提出的开关结构,寿命分别提高 253 倍和 166 倍,极大地改善静电漂移问 题。 在 52. 2 GHz 工作频率下,隔离度为-41. 31 dB,损耗为-0. 25 dB,响应时间为 50 μs,为高性能、高可靠、长寿命射频开关提 供了理论模型。
      RF MEMS switches have the advantages of simple fabrication process and easy integration. However, the electrostatic drift and frequent mechanical collisions caused by the charge accumulation of dielectric film currently result in serious reliability problems that hinder the stability improvement of its embedded terminal RF system. Therefore, the structure of the dielectric suspension film is used to improve the charge accumulation problem, and the switch mechanical structure limit to realize the dynamic buffer of the switch to reduce the high-frequency mechanical collision damage. At the same time relying on the tab contact structure to reduce electrostatic drift. The theoretical models of dielectric film charging and switch life are established and the switch life is predicted. The results show that the designed switch life exceeds 12 900 hours. Compared with the existing RF MEMS switches, the proposed switch structure improves the lifetimes by 253 and 166 times, respectively, and greatly improves the electrostatic drift problem when the bipolar plate spacing and the metal beam-dielectric film spacing are equal, respectively. The isolation of -41. 31 dB, loss of -0. 25 dB, and response time of 50 μs at 52. 2 GHz operating frequency provide a theoretical model for high-performance, high-reliability, and long-life RF switches.
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