罗朝莉,朱 冰,王 波,徐志伟,刘小军.铝板表面裂纹的激光超声检测与信号处理研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(10):41-52
Research on laser ultrasonic testing and signal processing of surface cracks in aluminum plate
中文关键词:  激光超声  可视化检测  表面裂纹  非接触
英文关键词:laser ultrasonic  visualization inspection  surface crack  non-contact
罗朝莉 1. 西安石油大学电子工程学院 
朱 冰 1. 西安石油大学电子工程学院 
王 波 1. 西安石油大学电子工程学院 
徐志伟 1. 西安石油大学电子工程学院 
刘小军 2. 西安金波检测仪器有限责任公司 
Luo Zhaoli 1. School of Electronic Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University 
Zhu Bing 1. School of Electronic Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University 
Wang Bo 1. School of Electronic Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University 
Xu Zhiwei 1. School of Electronic Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University 
Liu Xiaojun 2. Xi′an Jinbo Testing Instruments Co. , Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 551
全文下载次数: 700
      为实现铝板表面裂纹缺陷检测,基于 COMSOL 建立铝板表面裂纹缺陷模型,分析了激光超声与缺陷的相互作用。 针对 激光超声在材料内部传播反射信号弱、信噪比较差的问题,提出了信号多次平均结合相邻三点信号差分处理方法。 利用激光超 声可视化检测系统对 5 mm 厚铝板表面 3 个裂缝进行检测,采用信号多次平均提高信噪比并增强最大振幅图中的损伤回波;提 取目标区域内各扫描点信号峰峰值重构三维最大振幅图,通过相邻三点信号差分处理方法对水平、垂直方向上的超声信号进行 处理,提供了更好的缺陷可见性。 结果表明,表面波(R)与深度 1 mm 以内的表面缺陷存在明显的相互作用;激光超声可视化检 测技术可快速检出铝板表面的裂纹且能够三维显示位置及大小,采用的多次平均及相邻三点信号差分处理方法能准确表征 0. 5 mm 以上的缺陷,这将在工业无损检测及评估中有极其广泛的应用价值。
      To achieve the detection of surface crack defects on aluminum plates, a surface crack defect model is established based on COMSOL and the interaction between laser ultrasound and defects is analyzed. To deal with the problem of weak reflection signals and poor signal-to-noise ratio in the propagation of laser ultrasound inside materials, a signal multiple averaging combined with adjacent three-point difference processing method. Three cracks on the surface of 5 mm thick aluminum plate were detected using a laser ultrasonic visualization inspection system. Using multiple signals averaging can increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and enhance the damage echo in the maximum amplitude map. Extracting the peak and peak values of the signals at each scanning point in the target area reconstructs the three-dimensional maximum amplitude map. The ultrasonic signals in the horizontal and vertical directions are processed using an adjacent three-point difference processing method, providing better defect visibility. The results show that there is a significant interaction between surface waves ( R) and surface defects within a depth of 1 mm. The laser ultrasonic visualization inspection technology can quickly detect cracks and defects on the surface of aluminum plates, and can display the position and size of surface cracks in three dimensions. The multiple averaging and adjacent three-point difference processing method used can accurately characterize defects above 0. 5 mm, which will have extremely broad application value in industrial non-destructive testing and evaluation.
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