赵云鹏,胡玉耀,蒋兴良,刘 辉,沈 浩.绝缘子不均匀积污成因及其对交流闪络特性的影响[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2023,37(12):186-195
Causes of uneven pollution accumulation on the insulator and its influence on AC flashover characteristics
中文关键词:  绝缘子  平均盐密  不均匀污秽  闪络电压  泄漏电流
英文关键词:insulators  average salt density  non-uniform pollution  flashover voltage  leakage current
赵云鹏 1. 山东理工大学山东省智能电网及装备工程实验室 
胡玉耀 1. 山东理工大学山东省智能电网及装备工程实验室 
蒋兴良 2. 重庆大学雪峰山能源装备安全国家野外科学观测研究站 
刘 辉 3. 国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院 
沈 浩 3. 国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院 
Zhao Yunpeng 1. Shandong Provincial Smart Grid and Equipment Engineering Laboratory, Shandong University of Technology 
Hu Yuyao 1. Shandong Provincial Smart Grid and Equipment Engineering Laboratory, Shandong University of Technology 
Jiang Xingliang 2. Xuefeng Mountain Energy Equipment Safety National Observation and Research Station, Chongqing University 
Liu Hui 3. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute 
Shen Hao 3. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute 
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      在单一风向的作用下,线路运行绝缘子会呈现背风侧污秽积聚较多的现象,降低其绝缘性能。 通过建立三维电场-流场 耦合模型,仿真模拟污秽颗粒运动过程,揭示了绝缘子背风侧回流和涡流是造成污秽积聚的主要原因。 采用人工涂污法模拟绝 缘子表面迎/ 背风侧不均匀积污,并开展交流闪络试验,研究平均盐密( SDD)、迎风侧与背风侧盐密比( J)和背风侧面积占比 (R)对平均闪络电压(Uf)的影响。 结果表明,Uf 随 SDD 的增大而降低,随 J 和 R 的增大而升高,且 J 在 SDD 较低和 R 较小时对 Uf 影响更大,R 在 SDD 较低和 J 较小时对 Uf 影响更大。 通过观测绝缘子闪络过程发现,均匀染污时放电电弧随机发展,而在 不均匀染污时电弧总出现在背风侧,且升压过程中泄漏电流幅值较大。
      Under the action of a single wind direction, more contamination accumulates on the leeward side of the insulator in service, which reduces its insulation performance. The movement of charged pollution particle was simulated by establishing a three-dimensional coupling model, revealing that the backflow and eddy flow on the leeward side of the insulator are the main reasons for pollution accretion. The manual coating method was used to simulate non-uniform pollution on the windward / leeward side, and AC flashover tests were conducted to investigate the effects of average salt density (SDD), salt density ratio (J) between the windward and leeward sides, and leeward area ratio (R) on the average flashover voltage (Uf ). The results show that Uf decreases with the increase of SDD, and increases with increasing J and R. Moreover, J has a stronger impact on Uf under the small values of SDD and R. While R imposes a greater effect on Uf when SDD and J are low. By observing the flashover process of polluted insulator, it was found that the arc develops randomly when uniformly polluted, while the arc always propagates along the leeward side under non-uniform pollution, and the amplitude of the leakage current is larger during the voltage increment.
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