Car motor bearing fault diagnosis based on fault feature extraction and recognition stages
中文关键词:  LCD符号熵  历史学习  果蝇算法  相关向量机  轴承故障诊断
英文关键词:LCD symbol entropy  history study  fruit fly optimization algorithm  relevance vector machine  bearing fault diagnosis
李远军 1.湖北交通职业技术学院汽车与航空学院 
孙继炫 2.北京理工大学自动化学院 
Li Yuanjun 1. Automobile and Aviation Institute, Hubei Communications Technical College 
Sun Jixuan 2.School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 338
全文下载次数: 1
      Aiming at the two key points (feature extraction and fault recognition) of bearing fault diagnosis, a new car motor bearing fault diagnosis method was proposed. At the feature extraction link: a feature extraction method based on LCD decomposition and symbol entropy was proposed. At the fault identification link: in order to improve search ability of fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA) to relevance vector machine (RVM), study of “history” strategy was introduced to FOA, then, FOA with history study ability (HSAFOA) was proposed and effectively improved the classification performance of RVM. Different fault types and different fault degrees of rolling bearing fault diagnosis experiment results show that the LCD symbol entropy can represent fault effectively and HSAFOA improved the identification accuracy of RVM, it has a certain superiority when compared with some other methods.
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