Development of pipeline stress detection equipment based on magnetic memory method
中文关键词:  磁记忆  管道检测  应力集中  定量评价
英文关键词:magnetic memory method  pipeline testing  stress concentration  quantitative evaluation
龚灯 1.安徽国防科技职业学院机械技术学院,2.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
韩刚 2.合肥工业大学机械工程学院 
Gong Deng 1.Department of Mechanical Technology, Anhui Vocational College of Defense Technology,2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology 
Han Gang 2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 151
全文下载次数: 1
      为了解决管道应力检测中难以自动判断的问题,开发了一种基于磁记忆方法的管道应力检测设备。首先介绍了磁记忆方法实现管道应力检测的原理,搭建了以S3C2140芯片作为核心的检测系统,其中选用各项异性磁阻(AMR))传感器HMC 5883L作为弱磁场采集探头,开发了基于Linux嵌入式系统的显示终端,根据GB/T 35090制定应力集中判定方法,实现了对管道应力集中的定量评价。该设备的磁场检测精度与TSC系列检测仪无显著性差异。最后采用了残余应力XRD测量法对试样应力集中情况进行验证。实验表明,该设备能够反映材料内部应力集中情况,适用于输送管道的应力集中的检测。
      In order to solve the problem of automatic detection for pipeline stress, a pipeline stress detection equipment based on magnetic memory method (MMM) is developed. Firstly, the principle of MMM to detect the stress concentration was introduced. And then an embedded system based on S3C2440 MCU was designed. The weak magnetic field probe is anisotropic magneto resistance (AMR) sensor HMC 5883L. The visualization terminal based Linux system was developed. According to GB/T 35090, the criterion of stress concentration is carried out for the quantitative evaluation of pipeline. There is no significantly difference from that of TSC series detector from the validation experiment. Finally, the residual stress XRD method was used to verify the stress concentration of the samples. The experiment shows that the equipment can reflect the stress concentration in the material and is suitable for the detection of the stress concentration in the conveying pipeline.
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