Novel frequency offset estimation algorithm for short burst transmission system
中文关键词:  导频符号辅助调制  时域算法  蒙特卡罗仿真  相位模糊
英文关键词:pilot-symbol-assisted-modulated(PSAM)  time-domain algorithm  Monte-Carlo simulation  phase ambiguity
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金(1183027) 资助项目
李健 1.国网江西省电力有限公司信息通信分公司 
邱贞宇 1.国网江西省电力有限公司信息通信分公司 
陈知行 2.北京理工大学 自动化学院 
陈凯 3.燕山大学电气工程学院 
Li Jian 1. Information Communication Branch , State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company Limited 
Qiu zhenyu 1. Information Communication Branch , State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company Limited 
Chen zhixing 2. School of Automation , Beijing Institute of Technology 
Chen kai 3. School of Electrical Engineering, yanshan university 
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      考虑基于导频符号辅助调制频偏估计的相位模糊问题 ,提出了一种新的时域频偏估计算法 。首先利用自相关算法思想 可设计出一种消除复乘运算的部分互相关(PCC) 算法;然后再利用基于蒙特卡罗仿真的解相位模糊算法 ,便可解决上述的频偏 估计存在的相位模糊问题 ,即得到了适应大频偏的改进部分互相关(IPCC) 算法 。最后仿真结果表明 ,与已有的经典时域算法 ( 即 M&M 和 AC) 相比 ,在归一化频偏范围( - 0.5 , 0.5) 内 ,提出的 IPCC算法具有最高的估计精度 ,而 M&M算法具有最差的估计性能 ,提出的 IPCC算法具有线性的计算复杂度 ,而 AC算法具有最高的计算复杂度。
      Considering phase ambiguity problem of the pilot-symbol-assisted-modulated ( PSAM) based frequency offset estimation , this paper proposes a novel time-domain frequency offset estimation algorithm. First, a partial cross correlation ( PCC) algorithm is derived with the use of the idea of the autocorrelation algorithm , capable of eliminating complex multiplication operation. Then , a phase- unwrapping algorithm is proposed based on Monte-Carlo simulations, and by using it an improved PCC ( IPCC) algorithm is also derived , which is adaptive to larger frequency offsets. Finally, simulation results show that comparing with the existing classical algorithms(i.e. , theM&Mand ACalgorithms), the proposed IPCCalgorithm exhibits the highest accuracy while theM&Mis the worst; and the IPCCalgorithm has linearly computational complexity but the AChas the highest computational complexity.
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