Study on dynamic characteristics of pantograph catenary arc in rainfall environment
中文关键词:  弓网电弧  降雨环境  电弧图像  动态特性
英文关键词:pantograph catenary arc  rainfall environment  arc image  dynamic characteristics
籍欣欣 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
王智勇 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
方志朋 2.国网辽宁北辰新汇公司 
Ji Xinxin 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Wang Zhiyong 1.Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Fang Zhipeng 2. State Grid Liaoning Beichen Xinhui Company 
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      弓网电弧的危害严重阻碍了高速铁路的发展,恶劣的环境条件会促使弓网离线电弧频发,造成滑板和接触网导线磨耗加剧,受流质量下降。为提高高速铁路运行的安全性和稳定性,研究了降雨条件下弓网电弧运行动态特性。基于自制的弓网电弧实验系统,分别采集正常运行、小雨(降雨量30 g)及大雨(降雨量150 g)环境下电流电压波形,并利用高速摄像机拍摄弓网电弧图像。研究结果表明,工况条件一定时,降雨环境下弓网电弧被拉伸,呈现不规则状态,电弧面积和周长增大,且小雨环境下电弧周长和面积最大;降雨环境使电流纹波加重,零休时间变长,电弧尖峰电压增大,缩短了弓网电弧燃弧时间,提高了电弧发生率,其中小雨环境变化最为明显;降雨环境下电弧功率增大,电弧最小电阻值出现在电流峰值附近,且较无雨环境电弧最小电阻值增大。
      The harm of pantograph catenary arc seriously hinders the development of high speed railway. The pantograph catenary arc occurs frequently under the poor environmental condition. The pantograph catenary arc aggravates the wear of the slide plate and catenary wire, and the quality of current reception is decreased. In order to improve the safety and stability of high speed railway operation, the dynamic characteristics of pantograph catenary arc under rainfall conditions were studied. Based on the self developed pantograph arcing experimental system, the current and voltage waveforms were collected under normal, light rain (rainfall 30 g) and heavy rain (rainfall 150 g) conditions, respectively. The pantograph catenary arc image was captured by using high speed camera. When working condition is constant, the arc is stretched and both arc area and circumference increase under rainfall conditions. The arc circumference and area are the largest under light rain conditions. The rainfall makes the current ripple increase. It also makes arc zero current time become longer, and arc peak voltage increases. Therefore, the rainfall shortens burning time of the arc and increases the arc incidence rate, especially in the light rain environment. The arc power in rainfall environment increases. The minimum arc resistance appears near the peak value of the arc current waveform.The minimum arc resistance value in rainfall environment increases compared with that in normal environment.
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