Optimal algorithm of replica placement in tree data grid
中文关键词:  树形数据网格  副本放置  复制成本  成本最小化  有效网络利用
英文关键词:tree data grid  replica placement  replication cost  cost minimization  effective network usage
周飞菲 1.郑州升达经贸管理学院信息工程学院 
Zhou Feifei 1.School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou Sheng Da University of Economics,Business & Management 
摘要点击次数: 183
全文下载次数: 2
      Aiming at the distributed hierarchical data grid model as tree data grid, an optimal replica placement algorithm is proposed in this paper, in which the number of replicas is k, which is specified by the user. The proposed algorithm consists of two phases. In phase 1,all nodes of binary tree are visited in reverse breadth first order, and based on whether a replica of object i is placed on a node or not, the total replication cost including both read and storage cost are calculated in a bottom up manner. In phase 2, based on a recursive process, the read cost and the storage cost calculated in phase 1 are used as input, and replicas are placed using top down procedure in order to minimize the total replication cost. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the optimal replica placement algorithm proposed in this paper not only has the lower time complexity, but also outperforms several typical replica placement algorithms at present in terms of the normalized placement cost, effective network usage and percentage of local access.
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