Sequence decision and phase sorting based GLRT optimal sequence detection algorithm
中文关键词:  频移键控  广义似然比检验  最优非相干序列检测  判决序列  相位排序  BER/SER性能  计算复杂度
英文关键词:frequency shift keying  generalized likelihood ratio test  optimal incoherent sequence detection  decision sequence  phase sortring  BER/SER performance  computation complexity
李凌 1.四川旅游学院信息与工程学院 
尹航 1.四川旅游学院信息与工程学院,2.西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室 
Li Ling 1.School of Information and Engineering, Sichuan Tourism University 
Yin Hang 1.School of Information and Engineering, Sichuan Tourism University,2.MOE Key Laboratory of Highspeed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University 
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      To implement the optimal noncoherent sequence detection of quadrature modulated signals in flat fading channels, a new algorithm that performs generalized likelihood ratio test optimal incoherent sequence detection is proposed in this paper. Moreover, for Rayleigh fading channels, the proposed algorithm is equivalent to the maximum likelihood noncoherent sequence detector. Firstly, the decision on the information symbol xn at the nth time slot is obtained by the algorithm, and a decision sequence is formed according to the change of the decision in a given phase interval. And then the phases where the decision sequence changes are sorted in order to identify the target sequences on the corresponding intervals. The theoretical analysis results show that the proposed BFSK optimal sequence detection can be applied to the detection of the optimal incoherent sequence of FM0 signals used in modern radio frequency identification systems. And the simulation results show that the proposed optimal sequence detection algorithm has nearly equal BER/SER performance to the traditional ML coherent sequence detection algorithm. Compared with the traditional exhaustive search algorithm, the proposed algorithm greatly reduces the computational complexity.
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