Development and parameter identification of fiber reinforced composite parameter tester
中文关键词:  纤维增强复合材料  材料参数测试仪  参数辨识  激光无损扫描
英文关键词:fiber reinforced composite material  material parameter tester  parameter identification  laser non destructive scanning
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51505070)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项(N150304011,N160313002, N16031200, N170302001)、东北大学航空动力装备振动及控制教育部重点实验室研究基金(VCAME201603)资助项目
吴腾飞 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
李晖 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
许卓 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
常永乐 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
邱鸿成 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
刘东 1.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院 
Wu Tengfei 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
Li Hui 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
Xu Zhuo 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
Chang Yongle 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
Qiu Hongcheng 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
Liu Dong 1.School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University 
摘要点击次数: 285
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      A material tester of fiber reinforced composite is developed. Firstly, the excitation platform, laser scanning device, signal generator and data acquisition device are utilized to establish its hardware structure. Then, the functions as well as control and measurement advantages of each software module based on LabVIEW are described in detail. Finally, the elastic moduli, loss factors and Poisson's ratios of the two TC500 carbon fiber/resin composite beam specimens in the longitudinal, transverse and shear directions are identified, which are also compared with the material results provided by the manufacturer. The results show that their deviations are in the range of 275%~1182%, which is within an acceptable level. Therefore, the effectiveness of the developed composite material tester and its software algorithm has been verified. Compared with the commercial instruments available on the market, the tester developed in this paper adopts laser non destructive scanning technology, has higher cost performance, and can effectively obtain the loss factors of the anisotropic composite in the shear direction.
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