Multi exposure image fusion algorithm based on quality metric coupled with color correction
中文关键词:  多曝光图像融合  质量度量  颜色校正  图像质量指数  局部饱和度  归一化权重映射
英文关键词:multi exposure image fusion  quality metric  color correction  image quality index  local saturation  normalized weight mapping
杜永生 1.济宁学院计算机科学系 
黄传波 2.西南科技大学国防科技学院 
Du Yongsheng 1. Department of Computer Science, Jining College 
Huang Chuanbo 2.School of National Defense Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology 
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      Aiming at the problems of color distortion and loss of detail caused by improper selection of image quality attributes in the current multi exposure image fusion process, a multi exposure image fusion scheme based on quality measurement coupled with color correction was designed. Firstly, three most prominent image quality attributes (contrast, saturation and brightness) were selected as measurement methods. Secondly, these three quality attributes were weighted by linear combination, and the power function was used to control the influence of each attribute. Low weight values are assigned to underexposed and overexposed pixels to eliminate pixels with poor visual effects, thus, effectively preserving exposure pixels, bright colors and details. Then, Laplacian pyramid decomposition is used to decompose the weighted combination features of different exposure images. After normalized weight mapping, multi resolution fusion of different coefficients was performed to achieve multi exposure image fusion. In addition, in order to avoid color distortion and detail loss, the post processing steps of color correction based on local saturation are adopted to improve image quality. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has higher fusion visual quality than current multi exposure image fusion scheme, and can better maintain image details and correct the color of the exposure fusion image.
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