Method for predicting temperature and humidity of medicine based on improved LSTM
中文关键词:  医药冷链  循环神经网络  长短期记忆模型  温湿度预测  深度学习
英文关键词:pharmaceutical cold chain  recurrent neural network  long short term memory model  temperature and humidity prediction  deep learning
陈亮 1.沈阳理工大学自动化与电气工程学院 
张媛媛 1.沈阳理工大学自动化与电气工程学院 
刘韵婷 1.沈阳理工大学自动化与电气工程学院 
Chen Liang 1.College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
Zhang Yuanyuan 1.College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
Liu Yunting 1.College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University 
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      针对医药冷链系统中药品温湿度数据不易诊断的问题,提出一种改进的长短期记忆(LSTM)预测药品温湿度的方法。首先通过插值扩充算法扩充湿度数据集,接着提出一种内含多个LSTM细胞元的LSTM结构,代替传统的迭代预测,随后通过Adam优化算法调整网络参数和改变网络层数降低预测误差,实现对药品温湿度的提前预判。最后在药店冷藏柜中采集到的药品温湿度数据集上进行测试,均方误差(MSE)为0036 9。与传统的BP神经网络预测方法和高斯过程混合模型预测方法对比,改进的LSTM药品温湿度预测方法预测更准确。
      Aiming at the problem that the temperature and humidity data of medicines in medical cold chain system are not easy to diagnose, an improved long short term memory(LSTM) method for predicting the temperature and humidity of drugs is proposed. The method first expands the humidity data set by interpolation expansion algorithm, and then proposes an LSTM structure containing multiple LSTM cell elements instead of the traditional iterative prediction. Then the Adam optimization algorithm adjusts the network parameters and changes the network layer to reduce the prediction error. Achieve early prediction of the temperature and humidity of the drug. Finally, the test was carried out on the temperature and humidity data set of the drug collected in the pharmacy refrigerator. The mean square error was 0036 9. Compared with the traditional BP neural network prediction method and the Gaussian process mixture model prediction method, the improved LSTM drug temperature and humidity prediction method is more accurate.
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