Sensor fault reconstruction in the electric forklift stability control system
中文关键词:  电动叉车  传感器  故障重构  滑模观测器  自适应算法
英文关键词:electric forklift  sensor  fault reconstruction  sliding mode observer  adaptive algorithm
孙成功 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院,2.合肥工业大学工业与装备技术研究院 
肖本贤 1.合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院,2.合肥工业大学工业与装备技术研究院 
Sun Chenggong 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology,2.Industry & Equipment Technology Institute, Hefei University of Technology 
Xiao Benxian 1.School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology,2.Industry & Equipment Technology Institute, Hefei University of Technology 
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      Aiming at the problem of multiple sensor fault detection and reconstruction in the electric forklift stability control system, a sliding mode observer with adaptive regulation law is proposed to realize sensor fault detection and reconstruction. Starting from the three degree of freedom model of the forklift, a linear state equation with output disturbance is constructed as its equivalent forklift sensor fault model, and the sensor fault is converted into an actuator fault by defining an auxiliary state variable as an output signal filter. According to the fault model and sliding mode control theory, the sensor fault detection and reconstruction method based on sliding mode observer is given, based on the adaptive algorithm, the observer design has the advantage of not knowing the upper limit of unknown fault. Finally, the experimental results show that the method is effective.
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