Study on calibration method of structured light non contact TCF
中文关键词:  TCF标定  结构光  坐标系  机器人
英文关键词:TCF calibration  structured light  coordinate system  robot
王宪伦 1.青岛科技大学机电工程学院 
陈壮 1.青岛科技大学机电工程学院 
崔玉霞 1.青岛科技大学机电工程学院 
Wang Xianlun 1.College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology 
Chen Zhuang 1.College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology 
Cui Yuxia 1.College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology 
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      针对机器人工具坐标系(TCF)标定结果的准确性问题,采用基于结构光的非接触式TCF标定方法对自制串联机器人的TCF进行标定研究及实验。介绍了标定过程中涉及的相关坐标系、标定原理及结构光视觉成像系统,详细推导了TCF标定算法;阐述了TCF标定实验步骤,以Kinova Mico2机器人为研究对象,通过在工具上粘贴“十”字标记,并约束“十”字标记的中心与激光投影点重合后的点在图像中的像素坐标值相同,经过多次定位约束后求取平均值作为标定结果。研究结果表明,基于结构光的非接触式TCF标定方法对工具坐标系的标定结果较为稳定,数据的准确性满足生产的需要。
      Aiming at the accuracy of calibration results of robot tool coordinate system, a non contact tool center frame (TCF) calibration method based on structured light was used to calibrate the tool coordinate system of self made serial robot. The related coordinate system, calibration principle and structured light vision imaging system involved in the calibration process are introduced, and the calibration algorithm of TCF is deduced in detail. The experimental steps of TCF calibration are elaborated. Kinova Mico2 robot is taken as the research object. By pasting the “ten” label on the tool, the center and laser projection of the "ten" label are restrained. The coordinates of the pixels in the image are the same after the shadow points coincide, and the average value is obtained as the result of calibration after multiple positioning constraints. The results show that the non contact TCF calibration method based on structured light has stable calibration results for tool coordinate system, and the accuracy of data meets the needs of production.
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