Detection of power quality disturbances based on improved wavelet threshold function and CEEMD
中文关键词:  完备总体经验模态分解  改进小波阈值函数  排列熵  双馈式风力发电系统
英文关键词:complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition  improved wavelet threshold function  permutation entropy  double fed wind power system
周金 1.湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 
高云鹏 1.湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 
吴聪 1.湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 
古庭赟 2.贵州电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院 
徐长宝 2.贵州电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院 
吕黔苏 2.贵州电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院 
Zhou Jin 1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University 
Gao Yunpeng 1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University 
Wu Cong 1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University 
Gu Tingyun 2.Electric Power Research Institute of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd 
Xu Changbao 2.Electric Power Research Institute of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd 
Lv Qiansu 2.Electric Power Research Institute of Guizhou Power Grid Co., Ltd 
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      为提高在噪声环境下电能质量扰动检测定位的准确性,提出基于改进小波阈值函数和完备总体经验模态分解(CEEMD)的电能质量扰动检测算法。在采用CEEMD处理电能质量扰动信号的基础上,通过排列熵计算各固有模态函数的随机噪声强度,利用小波改进阈值函数对噪声强度高于排列熵值的分量降噪,并对降噪后分量进行Hilbert Huang变换,求取定位扰动起止点以及频率等参数。将该算法与CEEMD舍弃高频分量和小波阈值函数降噪方法的对比分析,结果表明算法不仅具有较强的抗噪性,而且能有效保留高频信息不被滤除。以PSCAD/EMTC双馈式风力发电系统中的单相短路和两相短路为例,仿真验证了所提算法的有效性,最后搭建了基于PXI和LabVIEW平台电能质量扰动检测平台,为应用于工程实践中奠定基础。
      In order to improve the detection capability of power quality disturbances, a power quality disturbance detection and location algorithm based on improved wavelet threshold function and complementary ensemble empirical mode decomposition(CEEMD) are proposed. After using CEEMD to process the power quality disturbance, it calculated the random noise intensity of each IMF component by permutation entropy, and the noise intensity is higher than the permutation entropy value by the improved wavelet threshold de noise. The remaining components retain and reconstruct the signal. The Hilbert Huang transform locates parameters such as the start point and end of the disturbance and frequency of the disturbance. Compared with CEEMD’s rejection of high frequency component noise suppression and method based on wavelet threshold de noise, it proved that the proposed algorithm has higher noise immunity. Moreover, through the example of three phase short circuit and two phase short circuit in PSCAD/EMTC Double fed wind power system, the simulation verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Finally, it built a platform of power quality disturbance based on PXI and LabVIEW platform. The algorithm laid the foundation for application in engineering practice.
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