Algorithm for image segmentation based on grasshopper optimization algorithm
中文关键词:  图像分割  Otsu  Kapur最大熵  蝗虫算法  粒子群  人工蜂群
英文关键词:image segmentation  otsu  Kapur's entropy  grasshopper algorithm  particle swarm  artificial bee colony
潘峰 1.西南交通大学希望学院信息工程系 
孙红霞 1.西南交通大学希望学院信息工程系 
Pan Feng 1.Department of Information Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University Hope College 
Sun Hongxia 1.Department of Information Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University Hope College 
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      Aiming at the problem of threshold selection in image segmentation, a multi threshold segmentation algorithm based on grasshopper algorithm is proposed in this paper. In this algorithm the otsu method and Kapur’s entropy are considered. The fitness function which used are the maximum between class variance criterion (Otsu) and the Kapur’s Entropy. This method uses the grasshopper optimization algorithm to optimize threshold. In the end, the image is segmented with the best threshold. The algorithm is compared with the traditional Otsu algorithm, the maximum entropy method, the image segmentation method based on particle swarm, and the image segmentation method based on artificial bee colony. Experimental results show that the algorithm is better than other algorithms. When the number of thresholds is 4 and 5, the PSNR of the proposed algorithm is about 3% and 15% higher than that of particle swarm optimization algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm. The running time of this algorithm is about 9% and 5% faster than that of particle swarm optimization algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm.
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