Design and implementation of multi mode friendly interactive system for elderly assistance robot
中文关键词:  助老服务机器人  实感3D  多模式人机交互
英文关键词:elderly assistance robot  RealSense 3D  human robot interaction
基金项目:江苏省重点研发计划(BE2017071, BE2017647, BE2018004 04)、常州市国际合作项目(CZ20170018)资助
刘策 1.河海大学物联网工程学院 
刘小峰 1.河海大学物联网工程学院,2.常州市特种机器人与智能技术重点实验室,3.江苏省特种机器人技术高校重点实验室 
Liu Ce 1.College of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University 
Liu Xiaofeng 1.College of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University,2.Changzhou Key Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Technology,3.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Special Robots 
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      Interactive system is the basis for the interaction between service robots and people. Using RealSense 3D camera as a sensor, a multi mode interactive system with the elderly assistance robot was developed. It mainly implements user registration and verification based on face recognition, news on demand and calendar reminder based on gesture recognition and speech recognition. Experimental tests show that the accuracy of face recognition is 93%, the accuracy of gesture recognition is 72% and the accuracy of speech recognition is 90%. The interactive system has the advantages of user friendly interaction, network independence and high recognition speed, etc. It integrates with the Omni directional mobile robotics platform to design a user friendly, multi functional and low cost elderly assistance robot for empty nesters.
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