Mobile meteorological measurement field calibration and checking information system
中文关键词:  气象计量  现场校准  现场核查  自动气象站
英文关键词:meteorological measurement  field calibration  field checking  automation weather station
孙嫣 山东省气象局大气探测技术保障中心济南250031 
杨宗波 山东省气象局大气探测技术保障中心济南250031 
韩广鲁 山东省气象局大气探测技术保障中心济南250031 
郭瑞宝 山东省气象局大气探测技术保障中心济南250031 
Sun Yan Ensuring Center of Atmospheric Sounding Technology, Weather Bureau of Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250031,China 
Yang Zongbo Ensuring Center of Atmospheric Sounding Technology, Weather Bureau of Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250031,China 
Han Guanglu Ensuring Center of Atmospheric Sounding Technology, Weather Bureau of Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250031,China 
Guo Ruibao Ensuring Center of Atmospheric Sounding Technology, Weather Bureau of Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250031,China 
摘要点击次数: 3100
全文下载次数: 14620
      针对自动气象站现场较准核查工作需求,设计了移动气象计量现场核查校准信息系统。以VB编程技术和数据库技术为基础,采用串口通信和基于EXCEL的VB报表制作等方式,完成了自动站常用采集器DT50与ZQZ CII的自动校准,以及温度、湿度、气压、风向风速、雨量、蒸发、辐射的现场校准与核查。系统通过在区域站现场较准核查工作中实际应用,能够对采集的数据进行处理,合格判断,并将数据保存到数据库中,实现数据查询,校准证书打印和数据记录表输出等功能。所设计系统为气象计量工作提供了一个智能化的现场校准核查平台,提高了气象计量的工作效率和自动化水平,保证了自动气象站的正常运行和数据的准确可靠。
      In order to suit the working requirement of field calibration and checking of the automatic weather station, a mobile meteorological measurement field calibration and checking information system was designed. This system is based on visual basic programming language and data base technique, which use serial communication to communicate with the device and use EXCEL and visual basic to design the report form. This system can achieve the auto calibration of the automation weather station’s normal collector DT50 and ZQZ CII, and it can also perform field calibration and checking of temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, evaporation, radiation sensor and aero vane. Several experiments are carried out at the district weather station, and the results show that this system can achieve functions such as processing and checking the collected data, saving data into the data base, searching data, printing the calibration qualification, and outputting the data recording form. This experiment verified the effectiveness of our system. This system provides an automatic field calibration and checking software to the meteorological measurement field, which improves the working efficiency and automatic level of the meteorological measurement field. It also ensures the normal function of the automatic weather station and the accurateness of the data.
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