Independence variable optimization of thermal error model based on KPCA
中文关键词:  数控机床  热误差  自变量优化  核主成分  误差补偿
英文关键词:CNC machine tool  thermal error  independence variable optimization  KPCA  error compensation
魏弦 攀枝花学院攀枝花617000 
Wei Xian Panzhihua University,Panzhihua 617000, China 
摘要点击次数: 3324
全文下载次数: 8289
      To address the issue that principle component analysis (PCA)shows a poor ability to acquire the characteristic of nonlinearity data, a kernel principle component analysis(KPCA) temperature point optimization method is proposed. Firstly, nonlinearity mapping function is introduced to map the input temperature data into the characteristic space,and a Gaussian radial basis is selected to be a kernel function. Secondly, inner product operation in characteristic space is transformedinto kernel function operation in input space, eigenvalues and kernel eigenvectors are found. Finally, a comprehensive independent variable is formed. According to an experiment conducted on a CNC machine center,and comparedwith the PCA model, RMSE and Maximum residual error reduces by 36% and 29%, respectively.KPCA can preferably acquire the characteristic of temperature data, and the prediction ability of KPCA model has an obvious improvement.
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