胡聪,贾梦怡,许川佩,李智,朱望纯.基于IBA优化变权时间Petri网的3D NoC测试规划[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2017,31(8):1171-1177
基于IBA优化变权时间Petri网的3D NoC测试规划
Research on 3D NoC test planning based on timed Petri net with improved bat algorithm
中文关键词:  三维片上网络  测试规划  变权重  时间Petri网  改进蝙蝠算法
英文关键词:3D NoC  test planning  variable weight  timed Petri net  improved bat algorithm
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61561012)、广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室(YQ16106)、广西高校科学技术研究项目 (KY2015YB110)、广西自然科学基金(2014GXNSFAA118398)资助项目
胡聪 1.桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院桂林541004;2.西安电子科技大学机电工程学院西安710071;3.广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室桂林541004 
贾梦怡 1.桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院桂林541004;3.广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室桂林541004 
许川佩 1.桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院桂林541004;3.广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室桂林541004 
李智 2.西安电子科技大学机电工程学院西安710071;4.桂林航天工业学院桂林541004 
朱望纯 桂林电子科技大学电子工程与自动化学院桂林541004 
Hu Cong 1. School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 2. School of MechanoElectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 3. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automatic Detection Technology and Instruments, Guilin 541004, China 
Jia Mengyi 1. School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 3. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automatic Detection Technology and Instruments, Guilin 541004, China 
Xu Chuanpei 1. School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China; 3. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Automatic Detection Technology and Instruments, Guilin 541004, China 
Li Zhi 2. School of MechanoElectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China; 4. Guilin University of Aerospace Technology, Guilin 541004, China 
Zhu Wangchun School of Electronic Engineering and Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 
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      为了提高三维片上网络(three dimensional network on chip, 3D NoC)测试效率,结合3D NoC测试的特点建立了一种变权时间Petri网的测试模型,设置算法权值与变迁时延相关联,对Petri网变迁进行动态变权处理。在此基础上,将变迁激发序列作为IP核并行测试任务规划方案,采用简化蝙蝠位置更新方程的改进蝙蝠算法对其进行优化求解。将蝙蝠的位置更新规则融入到Petri网进化规则中,简化了推理过程,避免算法陷入早熟,提高了收敛速度。采用ITC’02测试基准作为实验对象,仿真结果表明,与其他算法相比,模型可以有效的描述3D NoC测试规划问题,最大时间优化率达到13.9%,提高了测试效率。
      To improve the testing efficiency of 3D NoC, a variable weight time Petri net model was established in combination with the characteristics of 3D NoC test. The weight of the algorithm was related to the transition delay. Meanwhile, the Petri net given the dynamic transition. On this basis, we planned the scheme by taking transition firing sequences as parallel test tasks of IP cores, and used the improved bat algorithm based on the simplified bat location update equation to solve this model. The rules of bat location update were integrated into the Petri net evolution rules to simplify the reasoning process, avoid the algorithm premature and improve the convergence rate. The ITC’02 test benchmarks were used as the experimental objects. The simulation results show that the 3D NoC test planning problem can be effectively described in this proposed model, and 13.9% of the test time optimal rate and improved test efficiency can be obtained.
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