Study on self healing property of airy beam and the method of lens correction
中文关键词:  激光传输  有限能量Airy光束  自恢复  光强分布
英文关键词:laser beam transmission  infinite energy airy beam  self healing  light intensity distribution
高晓梅 西安航空职业技术学院计算机工程学院西安710089 
张永红 安航空职业技术学院航空维修工程学院西安710089 
Gao Xiaomei School of Computer Engineering, Xi’an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute,Xi’an 710089,China 
Zhang Yonghong School of Aviation Maintenance Engineering,Xi’an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute,Xi’an 710089,China 
摘要点击次数: 3533
全文下载次数: 2834
      Airy光束是一种特殊的无衍射光束,具有自恢复性及自弯曲性。根据衍射理论对聚焦后有限能量Airy光束的自恢复现象进行了研究,利用三角棱镜和圆形聚焦透镜组成的光学系统产生了Airy光束,所得到的Airy光束衰减较快。通过增加透镜对光束进行修正,并对修正前后Airy光束的光强分布的变化进行数值模拟和对比。结果表明,在一定传输距离内,有限能量 Airy光束聚焦后自恢复光束随着传播距离的增大很快衰减。通过加入校正透镜可以抑制Airy光束的衰减。
      Airy beam is a special non diffraction beam with self recovery and self bending.We studied the self recovery of the finite energy airy beam after focusing based on the diffraction theory. The airy beam generated by the optical system composed of triangular prism and circular focusing lens decays faster. We both found the beam can be corrected through adding the lens, and research on numeric simulation and comparation of the change of the light intensity distribution of the airy beam before and after the correction. The results show that the self restoring beam of the finite energy airy beam is attenuated rapidly with the propagation distance in a certain transmission distance. Therefore we concluded that the addition of the correction lens can suppress the attenuation of the airy beam.
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