Improved RPN computing framework facing to intermittent fault of electronic system
中文关键词:  间歇故障  电子系统  风险优先值  可靠性
英文关键词:intermittent fault diagnosis  electronic system  RPN  reliability
吴虎胜 1. 武警工程大学装备工程学院西安710086;2. 空军工程大学装备管理与安全工程学院西安710051 
盛晟 空军工程大学装备管理与安全工程学院西安710051 
凌晓冬 中国卫星海上测控部江阴214400 
段东立 武警工程大学装备工程学院西安710086 
Wu Husheng 1. Materiel Engineering College, Armed Police Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710086, China; 2. Materiel Management and Safety Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China 
Sheng Sheng Materiel Management and Safety Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China 
Ling Xiaodong China Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department, Jiangyin 214400, China 
Duan Dongli Materiel Engineering College, Armed Police Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710086, China 
摘要点击次数: 2361
全文下载次数: 7046
      针对经典风险优先值(risk priority number,RPN)方法的数学缺陷、要素缺陷和研究对象缺陷,分析了经典RPN方法存在这些缺陷和不足的原因,提出了一种面向电子系统间歇故障的RPN改进计算方法。该方法采用五态Markov模型进行故障致损次数O的估算,采用DEMATEL方法进行故障位置、机理、模式的相关性/影响性分析,采用马氏距离对RPN一次排序结果中的相同序号进行二次排序,较好的解决了经典RPN方法取值不是连续整数、对3个主要要素S、O、D取值的微小变化敏感等问题。最后,采用某海基设备电子系统的间歇故障案例来力证了改进RPN计算框架的有效性,可清晰区分不同间歇故障的危险级且更为客观,取得较好效果。
      Aiming at solving the defects of risk priority number (RPN) in mathematics, ingredients and research object, classic RPN method is analyzed. And an improved RPN method facing to intermittent fault of electronic system is presented. This method estimates failure times O by five state Markov mode, the correlation and influence analysis of fault location, mechanism and mode are carried out by DEMATEL method, and the results which have the same sequence number in RPN first sorting are sorted by Mahalanobis distance. This method solves the problems well, for instance, classic RPN value is not a continuous integer, RPN result is sensitive to fractional changes of three key information factor S, O and D. The improved RPN computing model is applied to analyze intermittent fault case of a sea based equipment, which can get objective risks prioritization of different intermittent faults, and a good result is obtained.
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