Grid map merging approach of multi robot based on SURF feature
中文关键词:  多移动机器人  栅格地图拼接  最小化问题  SURF特征  ICP算法
英文关键词:multiple mobile robot  grid map merging  minimization problem  SURF feature  ICP algorithm
唐宏伟 1.湖南大学机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室长沙410082;2.邵阳学院多电源地区电网运行与控制湖南省重点实验室邵阳422000 
孙炜 湖南大学机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室长沙410082 
杨凯 长沙市公安局网络安全保卫与技术侦察支队长沙410007 
林安平 湖南大学机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室长沙410082 
吕云峰 湖南大学机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室长沙410082 
程熙 湖南大学机器人视觉感知与控制技术国家工程实验室长沙410082 
Tang Hongwei 1. National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 2. Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Grids Operation and Control on MultiPower Sources Area, Shaoyang University, Shaoyang 422000, China 
Sun Wei National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China 
Yang Kai Network Security and Technical Reconnaissance Detachment, Changsha Public Security Bureau, Changsha 410007,China 
Lin Anping National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China 
Lv Yunfeng National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China 
Cheng Xi National Engineering Laboratory for Robot Visual Perception and Control Technology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China 
摘要点击次数: 3436
全文下载次数: 15594
      Map merging is a crucial technology for cooperative mapping of multi robot system. A multi robot grid map merging method based on SURF (speeded up robust features) algorithm is studied. In the approach, the robot motion coordinate system is transformed into a rigid body. The mathematical model of the grid map merging problem is establishmented as minimization problem of image registration. Firstly, an improved SURF algorithm is used to extract the features from the grid maps. Secondly, the RANSAC (random sampling consensus) algorithm is employed to eliminate the mismatch and get the initial merging parameters, and the merging parameter is used as the initial value of the ICP (iterative nearest point) algorithm to solve the objective function. Finally, the open datasets and the Turletbot2 mobile robots are adopted for experiments. The experimental results verify that the proposed method can achieve good robustness and high accuracy in the grid map merging by multi robots, the fast speed of map merging indicates that it is suitable for large scale environment.
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