Remote monitoring system for wind turbine
中文关键词:  风电机组  监测系统  故障检测  趋势预测
英文关键词:wind turbines  monitoring system  fault detection  trend prediction
刘秀丽 北京信息科技大学现代测控技术教育部重点实验室北京100192 
徐小力 北京信息科技大学现代测控技术教育部重点实验室北京100192 
Liu Xiuli Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology of Ministry of Education, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China 
Xu Xiaoli Key Laboratory of Modern Measurement & Control Technology of Ministry of Education, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China 
摘要点击次数: 3626
全文下载次数: 16873
      Large mechanical and electrical equipment has become increasingly widely use. This large mechanical and electrical equipment itself is not only expensive, its maintenance cost is also quite striking. Equipment damage, deterioration of accuracy and reduction of efficiency may cause huge losses. To effectively guarantee the normal work of the equipment, the processing quality and fault forecast, remote on line detection and intelligent fault diagnosis system platform is built. The remote monitoring system integrates sensor technology, dynamic measurement and control technology, signal processing technology, fault pattern recognition and artificial intelligence technology. The field application shows that the system can effectively monitor the running status of the fan, achieve the real time alarm and running trend prediction effectively.
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