Optical image encryption algorithm based on circular harmonic component expansion and Gyrator transform domain phase retrieval
中文关键词:  光学图像加密  圆谐分量展开  Gyrator变换  球面相位因子  幅度约束条件  迭代相位检索
英文关键词:optical image encryption  circular harmonic component expansion  Gyrator transform  spherical phase factor  amplitude constraint  iteration phase retrieval
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60873100)、山西省自然科学基金(2012011017 6)资助项目
肖宁 山西财经大学信息管理学院太原030006 
李爱军 山西财经大学信息管理学院太原030006 
Xiao Ning College of Information management, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China 
Li Aijun College of Information management, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China 
摘要点击次数: 2676
全文下载次数: 15244
      In order to solve the problem such as need the strict optical calibration in current optical image encryption algorithm, the optical image encryption algorithm based on circular harmonic component expansion and Gyrator transform domain phase retrieval was proposed in this paper. Firstly, Gyrator transform spectrum was formed by introducing Gyrator transform to deal with the plain. Then the spectrum of Gyrator transform is divided into zero order harmonic components and non zero order harmonic components based on off axis circular harmonic component expansion mechanism. The cipher was obtained by introducing the spherical phase factor to modulate the non zero order harmonic component. Finally, the complex distribution was obtained by using the retrieval algorithm of Gyrator transform to take the zero order and non zero order amplitude as the constraints condition of input plain and output cipher to finish the image encryption. The experimental results show that this algorithm has higher security and anti filtering robustness with stronger anti noise attack and anti shear attack ability. This proposed algorithm can better protect the image in the network security transmission with good practicality.
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