Multi focus image fusion algorithm based on W transform and NSCT
中文关键词:  图像融合  W系统  NSCT变换  融合规则  多聚焦图像
英文关键词:image fusion  W system  NSCT  fusion rules  multi focus image
王璐 北京林业大学理学院北京100083 
王小春 北京林业大学理学院北京100083 
Wang Lu College of Sciences, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China 
Wang Xiaochun College of Sciences, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China 
摘要点击次数: 3256
全文下载次数: 16692
      Multi scale decomposition method and fusion rule are two key factors for multi focus image fusion method. The W system of degree k is an orthogonal hybrid function system consisting of polynomials of degree k and piecewise polynomials of degree k. The corresponding W transform is an effective multi resolution analysis tool with orthogonality and reproducibility. By combining the multiscale characteristics of W transform and multidirection property of the non subsampled directional filter bank (NSDFB) transform, a new multi scale and multi directional transform is proposed in this paper, in which multi scale decomposition is performed by the W transform and the multi directional decomposition is obtained from NSDFB. On this basis, a new multi focus image fusion algorithm is proposed. According to the characteristics of the high frequency coefficients, the often used simplified PCNN is modified, and applied on the fusion rules of the high frequency coefficients. The experimental results show that the proposed fusion method can select pixels from focus areas of the source images and effectively avoid generation of artifacts. The fused image has better visual effect. The objective evaluation index including standard deviation, entropy, average gradient, and spatial frequency of the fused image demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the fusion methods based on Contourlet transform, NSCT transform and discrete wavelet.
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