Ultrasonic thickness measurement of NiCoCrAlYTa coating on turbine blade
中文关键词:  涡轮叶片  NiCoCrAlYTa  涂层厚度测量  超声
英文关键词:turbine blade  NiCoCrAlYTa  coating thickness measurement  ultrasound
刘柯 南昌航空大学 无损检测教育部重点实验室南昌330063 
邬冠华 南昌航空大学 无损检测教育部重点实验室南昌330063 
石剑 中国航发南方工业有限公司株洲412000 
金信鸿 南昌航空大学 无损检测教育部重点实验室南昌330063 
Liu Ke Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of the Ministry of Education, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanchang 330063, China 
Wu Guanhua Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of the Ministry of Education, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanchang 330063, China 
Shi Jian China Airlines Southern Industry Co. Ltd., Zhuzhou 412000, China 
Jin Xinhong Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of the Ministry of Education, Nanchang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanchang 330063, China 
摘要点击次数: 3980
全文下载次数: 17003
      NiCoCrAlYTa涂层作为航空发动机高温部件的抗氧化涂层而得到广泛应用,涂层的厚度影响其抗氧化性能。利用超声波在涂层和基体间传播中的信号突变现象,采用小波变换技术分离出信号突变点和突变点间时间间隔,计算出涂层厚度,并应用于带有NiCoCrAlYTa涂层的涡轮叶片厚度测量,超声涂层厚度测量结果与金相解剖厚度测量数据进行对比,研究结果表明,使用的超声涂层厚度测量方法获得的涂层与金相法测厚数据基本接近,在平均厚度150 μm,测量相对误差在5%以内。
      NiCoCrAlYTa coating has been widely used as an antioxidant coating for high temperature components of aeroengine, and the thickness of coating affects its oxidation resistance. In this paper, the signal mutation between the coating and the matrix was used to isolate the time interval between the signal mutation point and the mutation point by wavelet transform. The thickness of the coating was calculated and applied to the thickness of the turbine blade with NiCoCrAlYTa coating Measurement,ultrasonic coating thickness measurement results and metallographic dissection thickness measurement data were compared. The results show that the coating thickness obtained by the ultrasonic coating thickness measurement method is close to that of the metallographic method, and the relative error is about 5% under the average thickness of 150 μm.
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