Trajectory tracking algorithm for robot based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control
中文关键词:  自适应滑模控制  移动机器人  轨迹跟踪  模糊逼近  非线性模型
英文关键词:adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control  mobile robot  trajectory tracking  fuzzy approximation  nonlinear model
葛媛媛 榆林学院现代设计与先进制造技术研究中心榆林719000 
张宏基 榆林学院现代设计与先进制造技术研究中心榆林719000 
Ge Yuanyuan Research Center for Contemporary Design and Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, China 
Zhang Hongji Research Center for Contemporary Design and Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, China 
摘要点击次数: 3951
全文下载次数: 16762
      Aiming at the trajectory tracking of mobile robot with control parameter uncertainties and external disturbances, a trajectory tracking control algorithm based on smooth nonlinear saturation function adaptive fuzzy sliding mode is presented. The uncertain nonlinear motion control model of mobile robot is established using the adaptive fuzzy logic system constructed adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller. Using the method of BIBO stability through the adaptive algorithm of fuzzy system for sliding mode control law in nonlinear function is adjusted by using adaptive approximation, therefore the adaptability of trajectory tracking control algorithm for stochastic uncertainty external disturbance is enhanced and the input chattering in sliding mode control algorithm is weakened. The stability and convergence of the control system are proven by using set up the fuzzy system adjustable parameter adaptive control law. The experimental results show that the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller is robust to parameter uncertainties and external disturbances. Compared with the traditional sliding mode control, the trajectory tracking algorithm not only can effectively reduce input chattering and tracking control precision is improved by 18.89%.
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