Hybrid path planning of mobile robot based on improved QPSO and Morphin algorithm
中文关键词:  复杂环境  移动机器人  障碍物  改进QPSO  Morphin算法  混合路径规划
英文关键词:complex environment  mobile robot  obstacle  improved QPSO  Morphin algorithm  hybrid path planning
伍永健 安徽工程大学安徽省电气传动与控制重点实验室芜湖241000 
陈跃东 安徽工程大学安徽省电气传动与控制重点实验室芜湖241000 
陈孟元 安徽工程大学安徽省电气传动与控制重点实验室芜湖241000 
Wu Yongjian Anhui Polytechnic University, Anhui Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Control, Wuhu 241000, China 
Chen Yuedong Anhui Polytechnic University, Anhui Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Control, Wuhu 241000, China 
Chen Mengyuan Anhui Polytechnic University, Anhui Key Laboratory of Electric Drive and Control, Wuhu 241000, China 
摘要点击次数: 3162
全文下载次数: 18892
      To improve the ability of robot path planning in complex environment, a hybrid path planning method based on improved QPSO and Morphin algorithm is proposed. Firstly, using grid map establishes the environmental model and determines the starting point and the target point. Through the introduction of adaptive search strategy and crossover operation, the QPSO algorithm is improved to plan an optimal global path, the robot is walking according to the global path. When the unknown or dynamic obstacles are found, the Morphin algorithm is used to carry out the local path planning to avoid the obstacles and return to the original global path to continue walking for the target point. The simulation of Matlab and practical application verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the hybrid path planning method.
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