Torus topology dual port NoC model and performance analysis
中文关键词:  片上网络  双端口  路由算法  Torus
英文关键词:network on chip  dual port network  routing algorithm  Torus
宋宇鲲 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所合肥230009 
钱庆松 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所合肥230009 
张多利 合肥工业大学微电子设计研究所合肥230009 
Song Yukun Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
Qian Qingsong Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
Zhang Duoli Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China 
摘要点击次数: 3153
全文下载次数: 17346
      In order to take full advantage of Network on Chip parallelism ability and improve network bandwidth utilization, a high performance dual port network is introduced in this paper. Each router in the structure provides two local ports, and each resource node connects with two routers in a diagonal. A destination node switching method is proposed in this structure to improve the parallel communication ability of network. Meanwhile, to further improve the performance of the network, the Torus structure is introduced to reduce the network radius. This paper builds a model of dual port network, and evaluates its performance. Compared with signal port network, the experiment results show that the structure can improve the average throughput and the average latency by 83.3% and 559% at best in unary affairs. Compared with the same dimension dual port network, the experiment results show that the structure can improve the average throughput and the average latency by 91.1% and 54.3% at best in binary affairs.
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