Strong barrier coverage algorithm for directional sensor network
中文关键词:  有向传感器网络  栅栏覆盖  模糊  数据融合  粒子群优化
英文关键词:directional sensor networks  barrier coverage  fuzzy  data fusion  particle swarm optimization
张聚伟 河南科技大学电气工程学院洛阳471023 
王宇 河南科技大学电气工程学院洛阳471023 
Zhang Juwei Electrical Engineering College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China 
Wang Yu Electrical Engineering College, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China 
摘要点击次数: 8316
全文下载次数: 44119
      A fuzzy perception model is proposed to the directional sensor nodes based on the sensing characteristics of the nodes, and also the fuzzy data fusion rule is built to reduce the network uncertain region. Aiming at the problem of directional sensor network strong barrier coverage, a directional sensor network strong barrier coverage enhancement algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed. The convergence rate of the algorithm is improved through the n dimensional problem be transformed into one dimensional problem. The simulation results show that, under random deployment, the perception direction of sensor nodes can be adjusted continuously. Compared with the existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm can effectively form strong barrier coverage to the target area, has a faster convergence rate, and prolongs the network lifetime.
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