Differential impedance optimization of high speed electric connector
中文关键词:  差分阻抗  电连接器  高速传输  阻抗优化
英文关键词:differential impedance  electric connector  high speed transmission  structure optimization
梁云忠 贵州师范大学 机械与电气工程学院贵阳550001 
李红 贵州师范大学 机械与电气工程学院贵阳550001 
伍权 贵州师范大学 机械与电气工程学院贵阳550001 
徐卫平 贵州师范大学 机械与电气工程学院贵阳550001 
胡圣波 贵州师范大学 机械与电气工程学院贵阳550001 
Liang Yunzhong Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China 
Li Hong Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China 
Wu Quan Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China 
Xu Weiping Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China 
Hu Shengbo Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China 
摘要点击次数: 3088
全文下载次数: 16863
      针对高速传输电连接器研发样机中存在差分阻抗偏小及不连续等问题,基于信号完整性理论提出了更换介质材料和修改接触件及介质尺寸的优化方案。采用HFSS高频电磁场仿真软件优化了接触件引脚直径W1和引脚与介质体的配合长度L1,仿真结果表明当引脚直径W1=1.1 mm时,此时连接器差分阻抗仿真值为100±10 Ω,且介质体配合长度L1对连接器差分阻抗仿真值影响较小。对优化前后的连接器进行了样机加工及差分阻抗测试,测试结果表明改进前连接器差分阻抗范围为84.46~90.68 Ω,改进后为92.6~105.3 Ω,改进后的连接器差分传输眼图满足典型高速传输电连接器信号完整性传输要求。
      In order to resolve the differential impedance of electric connector is relatively small and discontinuous at the R & D stage, the optimization scheme which is composed of the replacement of the dielectric material and the modification of the contact and the medium size based on the theory of signal integrity are proposed. The HFSS high frequency electromagnetic field simulation software was used to optimize the contact pin diameter(W1)and fit lengths of contact and dielectric (L1). When the pin diameter is 1.1 mm, the simulation value of the differential impedance of connector is 100±10 Ω and L1 has little influence on the simulation value of differential impedance of connector. The improved connector was processed and the differential impedance test was carried out. The test results show that the differential impedance range of connector is from 84.46 to 90.68 Ω before improvement and from 92.6 to 105.3 Ω after improvement, differential transmission eye diagram meets typical high speed transmission electric connector signal integrity transmission requirements after improvement.
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