Study of borehole effect of tri axial array induction on coplanar coil system
中文关键词:  三分量阵列感应测井  共面线圈系  井眼影响
英文关键词:tri axial array induction logging  coplanar coil system  borehole effect
张妙瑜 1.西安电子科技大学智能控制与图像工程研究所西安710071;2.西安石油大学电子工程学院西安710065 
郭宝龙 西安电子科技大学智能控制与图像工程研究所西安710071 
仵杰 西安石油大学电子工程学院西安710065 
Zhang Miaoyu 1. Institute of Intelligent Control and Image Engineering, Xidian University, Xian 710071, China; 2. School of Electronic Engineering, Xian Shiyou University, Xian 710065, China 
Guo Baolong Institute of Intelligent Control and Image Engineering, Xidian University, Xian 710071, China 
Wu Jie School of Electronic Engineering, Xian Shiyou University, Xian 710065, China 
摘要点击次数: 9180
全文下载次数: 42283
      The tri axial array induction logging tool is an important tool for measuring complex formation information, but the key of design and application is to eliminate borehole effects of coplanar coil systems. The response characteristics of coplanar coil systems and coaxial coil systems of the tri axial array induction are analyzed numerically in the center hole by the FEM, and field experiment results are compared with modeling simulation on the coplanar coil systems. The results show that the borehole effects of coplanar coil systems are significantly different from that of coaxial coil systems besides the shortest sub array. The borehole effect causes the negative logging response. For the longest sub array, although the borehole effect is week, its skin effect is serious and the measurement range of formation conductivity is smaller than that of the coaxial coil systems. It reveals the reason that the greater difference is occurred between the coplanar coil systems and the coaxial coil systems through the eddy current distribution of coplanar coil systems around the borehole at different mud and formation conductivity. A new coil system which has two transmitters and one receiver is raised and its advantages are analyzed on the decreasing borehole effect and reducing negative response from the geometrical factor. The research lays a theoretical basis for the development and application of the tri axial induction logging tool.
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