Design and evaluation of a human machine system for astronauts virtual training
中文关键词:  多自由度  虚拟现实交互  力反馈  Unity3D
英文关键词:multi DOF  virtual reality interaction  force feedback  Unity3D
胡素芸 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 
邵斌澄 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 
李坤 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 
曾欣 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 
宋爱国 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 
Hu Suyun School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 
Shao Bingcheng School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 
Li Kun School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 
Zeng Xin School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 
Song Aiguo School of Instrument Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China 
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全文下载次数: 8789
      根据航天员地面虚拟训练的需求,设计了一套面向航天员虚拟训练的人机交互系统,研制了具有真实感与临场感的多自由度手臂力反馈设备,实现了航天员虚拟训练环境中的抓握、推拉等带力觉感受的各种交互操作,增强虚拟仿真环境的沉浸感受,提高仿真训练的逼真度。面向航天员虚拟训练的人机交互系统包括手臂力反馈设备、硬件系统以及软件系统。手臂力反馈设备具有7个运动自由度,包括三自由度平动、三自由度转动以及食指运动的自由度;硬件系统主要是下位机采集光电编码器的信号发送给上位机以解算力反馈设备末端位置,以及接收上位机的力反馈执行参数以控制力反馈执行器;软件系统基于Unity3D平台,搭建了虚拟空间舱训练环境,并且实现了上位机与下位机的接口通讯以及位置和力的解算。还提出了基于磁流变液控制的力反馈方法,独立设计了一种新型的磁流变液阻尼器作为力反馈执行器。整个系统工作空间可达0.4 m×0.4 m×0.5 m,位置测量精度高达3 mm。系统结构设计上的创新实现了机械解耦、力和力矩的解耦,整个系统工作空间大、安全性能高、输出力大、位置测量精度高,并且还可广泛应用于康复医疗、虚拟手术等领域,应用面广泛。
      A human machine system for astronauts virtual training was designed and evaluated in this paper based on the real ground training tasks. This system can simulate kinds of manipulations, such as grasping, pulling and pushing. It can help to build a high level of immersion and improve the fidelity of the simulation training. This system is mainly composed of a 7 DOF haptic device, hardware systems and software systems. The haptic device, with a hybrid structure, has a 3 DOF translational mechanism, a 3 DOF rotational mechanism and a 1 DOF finger mechanism. The hardware systems includes the signals obtaining of photoelectric encoders and reception of Force feedback parameters. Unity3D based virtual scenes have been built in the software systems. The software systems also connect the scenes and the haptic device. A control methodology based on MR brake was proposed in this paper. A MR brake was designed and used as actuator in this virtual training system. The whole system has a large workspace, reaching 0.4 m×0.4 m×0.5 m. It also has features of high position tracking accuracy and high output capability.It can also be widely used in rehabilitation training, virtual surgery and other fields.
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