Ground temperature deduction model based on BP neural network
中文关键词:  推演模型  地温  BP神经网络
英文关键词:deduction model  ground temperature  BP neural network
吴春晓 1. 南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院南京210044;2. 涟水县气象局淮安223400 
行鸿彦 南京信息工程大学电子与信息工程学院南京210044 
张漪俊 嘉善县气象局嘉兴314100 
Wu Chunxiao 1.School of Electronic & Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China;2. Lianshui Meteorological Bureau, Huai’an 223400, China 
Xing Hongyan School of Electronic & Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 
Zhang Yijun Jiashan Meteorological Bureau, Jiaxing 314100, China 
摘要点击次数: 2938
全文下载次数: 14930
      针对地温观测中数据缺测和国家一般气象站无深层地温观测的问题,提出了采用BP神经网络建立的实时地温推演模型和深层地温推演模型(40~160 cm地温模型和320 cm地温模型)。前者可用于整点地温观测数据缺测的填补,后者用于无深层地温观测地区的地温估算。以样本站的小部分数据训练网络,用样本站全部数据测试,反复调试神经网络参数,筛选出误差性能好的地温模型,再用对比站数据测试地温模型的输出误差。实时地温模型样本站推演正确率为77.705%,对比站推演正确率为66.168%;40~160 cm地温模型72%以上的输出误差不大于0.5℃;320 cm地温模型83%以上的输出误差不大于1℃。实验结果表明,该方法建立的地温推演模型具有较高的精度和实用性。
      According to the missing data problem in the ground temperature observation, as well as national ordinary meteorological observing Station has no deep ground temperature observation service, real time ground temperature deduction models and deep ground temperature deduction models (40~160 cm ground temperature deduction model & 320 cm ground temperature deduction model) by the Back Propagation(BP) neural network is proposed. The former can be used to fill in the missing data of ground temperature observation data, and the latter can be used to estimate the deep ground temperature data in the area without no deep ground temperature observation. The BP neural network is trained by using a small number of samples and tested with all the data of the sample station. The neural network parameters are adjusted repeatedly, and the models with good error performance are selected. And then the output error of the ground temperature model is tested by using the contrast station data. The accuracy rate of real time ground temperature deduction model in the sample station is 77.705% as well as in the contrast station is 66.168%. More than 72% of the output error of the 40~160 cm ground temperature deduction model is less than 0.5 ℃, and more than 83% of the output error of the 320 cm ground temperature deduction model is less than 1℃. The experimental results show that the temperature deduction model established by this method has high precision and practicability.
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