Research on remote monitoring automatic assessment system and explosion points location
中文关键词:  远程监测  自动评估  双目立体视觉  目标定位
英文关键词:remote monitoring  automatic assessment  binocular stereo vision  target location
王鑫 1. 天津大学微光机电系统技术教育部重点实验室天津300072;2. 北华航天工业学院电子与控制工程学院廊坊065000 
王向军 天津大学微光机电系统技术教育部重点实验室天津300072 
Wang Xin 1. Key Laboratory of MOEMS of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2.Institute of Electronic and Control Engineering, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Langfang 065000, China 
Wang Xiangjun Key Laboratory of MOEMS of the Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 
摘要点击次数: 2902
全文下载次数: 14107
      提出的靶场报靶系统实现对炮兵、航空兵对地火力打击的远程监测以及弹落点落地位置的自动评估,给部队作战训练效果提供有效的科学依据,同时也是建设数字化靶场的需要。系统基于无线网络传输终端及RS485,是具有分布式测量、无人值守、远程控制、人机交互界面友好等特点,实现弹落点自动识别定位、信息无线传输、数字化显示及数据管理等功能的三级报靶系统。系统构建基于双目立体视觉测量原理,相机25 fps连续采集100帧图像,实时在线实现15个弹落点定位解算,较好解决了超大三维空间下多个目标自动定位解算问题。
      In this paper, target scoring system accomplishes artillery, aviation firefighting remote monitoring and explosion points location automatic assessment, and provides effective scientific basis to the army combat training effect, at the same time also is the need of construction of digital range. 3 level target scoring system based on wireless transmission terminal and RS485 network has the characteristics of distributed measurement, unmanned, remote control, friendly man machine interface, and accomplishes automatic identification and location, information wireless transmission, digital display, and data management. The system is built based on binocular stereo vision measurement principle. 25 fps camera collects 100 consecutive frames, and implements 15 explosion points locations real time and online. It has well solved the problem of large three dimensional space multiple targets automatic positioning calculation.
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